Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’ s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” - Frank Zappa“The complete joining of man and machine … will be calculated according to a strict system, the so-called ‘biocracy.’ It will be impossible to escape this system of adaptation because it will be articulated with so much scientific understanding of the human being. The individual will have no more need of conscience and virtue; his moral and mental furnishings will be a matter of the biocrat’s decisions.” - Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society.”
With the above salient quotes as a backdrop, this is an urgent plea in the form of a realization. Yes, there has been slavery and yes continuing degrees of prejudice. As humans, we struggle due to original sin, and recent events open the gates for even more sin in the form of destruction. It truly would be grand if all were color blind to advance society. Our masters use this divisive hot button topic as a cover for something more sinter. Get ready and buckle up for a ride as a resistor.
For a critical thinking person, the “news” programs show the destruction of common sense and elimination of true compassion. For those programmed by the machine, it is peaceful protests they see.This machine will report a store owner opening his business to feed his family as “a killer for spreading the virus.” Meanwhile, looters go unfettered and those arrested have a gift of dropped charges. A license to kill by the mob. A store owner that kills an intruder and a mayor call him a vigilante. We are under total anarchy and selective tyranny. The very “leaders” who placed us under heath-fear-lockdown demeaned and trashed peaceful protesters desiring to unlock. Then perform an about-face and celebrated protests that spawned looting.
Incomprehensible Hypocrisy
Our “leaders” demeaned and accosted those who gathered to open legitimate businesses to be a health threat. Later these overlords marched along with the “other” protesters. A spectacle unquestioned by the machine, these health fear leaders disregarded their own health orders. Quite the thing, the mayor of a large city tells his “contact tracers” to not ask a positive “case” if they took part in the “peaceful protests.” Rest assured this instruction is null for a case that attended a church service. Successful was the machine to force a huge swath of the population to stay at home. Unsuccessful it was to prevent looting and mayhem. A conglomeration of Clockwork Orange, Animal Farm, Mad Max, Water World, Children of Men, and Lord of the Flies.The vast number of people who have no dog in the “official” storyline about this second wave of terror, subject themselves to public shame. This for something not of their own doing and not of their ancestors. These useful idiots have no clue as they do the very same thing this is all about. For example, kissing feet and self-shaming for what is otherwise contrary to equality. Two wrongs do not make a right. Getting along to build rather than tear down is the answer. The machine has other plans; divide us along with every conceivable human condition.
Those who have had the fortune of immunity from the machine see what it is. They see the skirmishes sucking in the good, bad, and the ugly along with wood pallets stocked with bricks placed in advance. Heaven forbid this spreads through the entire land like wildfire as the new civil war. Like many wars, a fight for one thing, but something a lot more. It is a result of the Marxist engineering spawned in education and academia. Judgment by the content of character and ability go to the dustbin of history.
Meanwhile, the Marxists use the services of big business. These insurrectionists travel out of hiding from among us all, the corners of the nation, and beyond. They use the very instruments they hate. This includes big business and autos made by the corporations to travel and assemble with their Marxist friends. Airlines make for quick travel to infiltrate and ignite peaceful protests.
A rich hypocrisy example includes professional sports. The fans cherish the support of their favorite players making an obscene amount of money. But it makes sense not to torch all that - big businesses and the rich are now contributing to an organization that has become a political entity. This New Political Organ (NPO) received tens of millions overnight. The promise of showering with hundreds of millions more is a chilling oversight. Corporations that give money to these groups are contributing to their own demise and the capitalistic system which is at the very heart of existence.
The NPO’s mantra appears good and legitimate to an extraterrestrial (ET) landing on earth. The ET soon learn many people of the earth have lost jobs for daring to expose the things found on NPO’s very own web site. Freedom of expression the ET soon read about in the bill of rights. They see a contradiction. Trying it out for experimentation, they face immediate doxing by the very people who clamor about equality and compassion. Many earthlings have lost their careers for not questioning NPO’s slogan but simply for pointing out its true plan of Collectivism. The perfect Trojan Horse of the Illuminati who will keep control after the end game, a special “ism.” We the common person will be equal with the same amount of misery as the “experts” keeping their power, wealth, and control. As a sign, look for the “great reset” coming to your TV programming screen, internet, smartphone, and radio. The machine duped the vast majority, like the NPO members, followers, and sympathizes. Today the masses are sheep following the Pied Piper of Hamelin and know it not.
Marxist Infiltration
The Marxists have set up their own nation within a city. The local government handed that area over and call it a block party. It is a Hell-like zone that has its own border with armed guards. In a word, the hypocrisy of the highest degree.Most have a college degree and a smartphone with access to a virtual “anything.” Bounded by Marxist instruction, they spit on people who built an entire world. Claiming freedom of speech, they harm and murder those who defend property and life. Tearing down monuments and statues, even those that have nothing to do with the official “narrative,” become celebrated by the “news.” A noble cause trumpeted by the machine. Progressive (Marxist) civil disobedience touted as a good. Then the machine will brand anything else as right-wing terrorism. No enemies on the left. Check with the Sour Puss Prevention Lawless Center (SPLC). They have the official dope on it all this. For sure entities that are for traditional family values find themselves targeted as part of the vast right-wing nexus. Like most things, follow the money and lots of it goes to the Sour Puss.
Marxists, you have created nothing but havoc and fear. You swallowed the Communist training you had in public schools and academia. Every organ of society has brought into the collective consciousness of Marxist ideals. This includes (but not limited to); entertainment, sports, academia, education, medicine, arts, politics, and religion. You have no individual creativity only a desire to be a part of the Marxist collective to destroy. You are a product of the French Revolution and have nothing but access to a virtual everything within your smartphone. The very things a free society created you have used to conduct destruction.
It is a dystopian argument that the free market is bad and the alternative is utopia. Of course, “capitalism’ has issues. Rather than work to fix an imperfect system the possessed tear it down. Look at their faces, children of the evil one. Even certain politicians have no compunction to say the loss of buildings is acceptable collateral damage. The machine downplays and ignore are the people who lost businesses. Their mantra – “buildings can be replaced” in this majestic struggle. Did we miss the same programmers saying anything about the dead and those injured for life? Collateral damage is the lie. It is a hidden agenda wrapped in the glory of fixing the wrongs of the past to tear down and stalk the “new oppressors” who have become the oppressed. It is about revenge by those who talk about compassion and equality.
So, it is the system as Marxists say. Beware when you need help from the responders who are no longer there because of the “defund” fraud. You go to tear it all down then scream unfair. So much courage (sic) to disrespect the long-dead who are not here to care. The ignorance in it all proves demonic disorientation by the violence to those figures that once helped your “cause.” Deface every memorial and let us know what you have built-in its place.
It is obvious by the tearing down statues of the Abolitionists that the players are Marxists. The rage has nothing to do with the NPO slogan. The image of a poster displaying [expletive] Blue Lives is a prime example of the demonic disorientation of today. The very people who decry stereotypes push the very same thing. Try all lives (including ET) matter. Lookout and expect the worst slur possible (or worse, much worse). A poster with “silence is violence” make Orwell predictions tame in manner, quite the thing. For the pretty young girl who held led up the [expletive] Blue Lives poster, what will you say and do when the mob attacks your lover?
In a 1984-like ruling one county in a state (hint Eugene) issues a mask order that exempts the people that the NPO is all about. Here it goes; under the guise that this will mitigate profiling, joke this is not. On about the same “news” cycle, the machine goes in orbit about a “noose” in a sportsman’s garage. The FBI investigates and finds out this is an old rope connected to a garage door to ease the closure of the same. Odd, many photos of this rope seem not the same. For even more rich “programming” there is this report from earlier that same week. Non-Popular Radio (NPR) clamored about the right-wing using autos as a weapon to injure peaceful (sic) protesters. The quintessential example for the day turned out to be a woman in her auto who was attacked by left-wing “protesters ” (sic). This mob reached into the vehicle and pulled out some of her hair. One of the darlings brandished a gun standing in front of the car so she pushed through to escape for her life. Get that, a woman trying to save her life is touted as a right-wing terrorist using an auto as a weapon. NPR’s web site showed the video and left out (forgot?) the important facts. Hours later a lame apology by NPR. Any full coverage of any of this in any mainstream outlet? The facts are out the window. So, my cyberspace friends, we do indeed live in a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World.
For the Marxists here is some reflection. The twisted self-reaction would include trolling for a “problematic” tweet from a decade ago to attack. The removal of certain images on the product packaging of those who had a good influence in history is an ignorant reaction.
Now you have carried out something, you have a cause and became a warrior. A real hero (sic) in your circle of Marxist friends and advocates all over society. But alas, once it all torn down you will have your utopia of nothing. Will the self-reflection of your failures show any responsibility? Of course not, your Marist indoctrination teaches that you are a helpless victim of circumstances beyond your control. You have no control, animal-like instinct to violence. You have the instinct of an undisciplined creature and have the upper hand of all institutions to guard your back. It stinks to high Heaven and this needs exposure. You now form the new destructive oppression but will not admit it. Pawns you are of the “masters” and do not know it.
A bottom line for this segment to think about. Many of the statues toppled are Federal property. Such acts are a Federal crime, yet no charges brought against the perpetrators. Tacit acceptance by both parties in power. I say with boldness this Corona/Riots play unfolding now equals 911 2.0. The Illuminati are having fun at your expense.
History Lesson for Today
For the intellectual snobs who claim morality has nothing to do with the fall of society, blind you are to reality. To open the mind, you will realize such is the outcome of Netzine, Hegel, Sun Zu, Gramsci et. al. Or, you are with them all.The collectivist thought process categorizes people based on their makeup to decide who is on the side of the oppressed. The magnum opus “The Black Book of Communism” is an 800-page historical masterpiece written by several socialists. It lays bare the entire diabolical system. The wrecking of our nation is occurring with the same exact Marxist plots as detailed in the Black Book. Sad to say, the machine inculcated society with this monstrous ideology. Read and judge for yourself. This book illustrates the grand total of deaths due to this evil - 85 to 100 million. Any of this taught in any school? As the quintessential example now on the stage we call today:
“... Communists ..... usually compelled their prey to confess their 'guilt' in signed depositions thereby acknowledging the Party's line's political 'correctness.'..... ” Black Book of Communism (1999), third printing 2000 page xv.
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