Saturday, November 28, 2020

UN-American United Nations

Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (


Alternate communication such as the Internet, books, and talk radio are excellent sources of information about the real agenda of the United Nations (U.N.). However, facts compel this author to provide readers of the Frederick R. Smith Speaks blog with his perspective on this sinister organization. To begin, it is important to note that the U.N. is a powerful network of elite people from around the world with interests in all aspects of civilization.

A Brief Timeline; The Early Years

On June 26, 1945, the founding conference of the U.N. occurred in San Francisco. The secretary-general of this conference was the notorious U.S. State Department official Alger Hiss. Others who served along with Hiss and later found to be Communists were Noel Field, Harold Glasser, Irving Kaplan, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Victor Perlo, Henry Julian Wadley, and Harry Dexter White. As the acting secretary-general, Hiss was the chief planner and executive of the conference. As far back as 1939, the FBI had presented solid evidence concerning Hiss’s Communist activities. The mainstream disregarded the FBI warnings but in 1950 Hiss faced conviction for lying under oath because of a Grand Jury that questioned his spying activities. While the statute of limitations had run out on the spying charges, Hiss did serve 44 months for perjury.

The 1960 “Peace Force” rollout brigade for the U.N. was its action against the people of Katanga, a province of Belgian Congo. Today, this province is a part of Zaire. Katanga did not want any part of the violent Communist revolution that was occurring elsewhere in the nation and it declared independence. “I am seceding from chaos” declared president Tshombe who was a constitutional free enterprise advocate. The U.S. State Department and the Kremlin did not tolerate this “colonialism.” So, the U.N. got the resources to attack Katanga, never mind the violence and bloody tribal warfare in the rest of the Congo. On July 14, 1960, the U.N. got the green light to send troops to the Congo – read Katanga. Forty-six doctors in Elizabethville (Belgian, Hungarian, Spanish, and Brazilian) issued a joint report detailing U.N. atrocities against innocent civilians. In addition to bombing schools, hospitals, and churches, U.N. troops machine-gunned civilians and Red Cross workers who were helping the Katangeze. Can’t find this info in history books or the U.N.’s own propaganda.

In 1961, the State Department hired the Institute for Defense Analysis to prepare a study on how disarmament would lead to world government. Later in 1962, Memorandum No. 7, “A World Effectively Controlled By the United Nations,” was published.  The opening summary of this document states:

“A world effectively controlled by the United Nations in which ‘world government’ would come about through the establishment of supranational institutions, characterized by mandatory universal membership and some ability to employ physical force. Effective control would thus entail a preponderance of political power in the hands of a supranational organization… the present U.N. Charter could theoretically be revised in order to erect such an organization equal to the task envisaged, thereby codifying a radical rearrangement of power in the world.”

In 1964, the Institute for Defense Analysis for the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency produced a report called “Project Phoenix.” The project’s cornerstone was the comfortable merger between the United States and the Soviet Union. Naturally, the U.N. was to have a key role in this wonderful project. The news of President Bush “partnering” with Putin sends chills down my spine.

In 1965, the Pope visited the U.N., and the following text about this trip is from Malachi Martin in his book The Final Conclave, 1978, page 21 (emphasis added):

October 4, 1965, Paul’s Alitalia Flight #2800 touched down at Kennedy International Airport carrying Pope Paul 6, seven Cardinals, ten Vatican aides, sixty newsmen, commentators, light and sound technicians, and 200,000 covers bearing new Vatican commemorative stamps. Paul motorcaded at about 12 m.p.h. in a black, bubble-topped, flag-flying, fluorescent-lighted, leather-upholstered, seven-passenger, 1964 Lincoln convertible. ….Pope Paul proceeded to the United Nations. That was the reason for his pilgrimage. “It offers the occasion to further the cause of peace, so close to Our heart, and at the same time to promote a greater understanding among the nations of the world,” Paul had written to U Thant on March 1, 1965. “It would,” U Thant replied to Paul on April 16, 1965, “give a new and vigorous impetus to endeavors of men of good will everywhere to safeguard and strengthen world peace . . bringing humanity closer to the fulfillment of its legitimate aspirations.”  ….U Thant greeted Paul at 3:13 in the afternoon that day in October 1965. He led Paul first to the Meditation Room: a windowless, unfurnished, trapezoidal chamber, 30 by 18 feet, its symmetrical walls blank but for a fresco by Swedish artist Bo Beskow, depicting geometric patterns in blue, yellow, gray, brown, white. In the center of the room, a waist-high solid block of stone and iron ore. The only illumination, a shaft of dim, yellow light striking the shimmering surface of rock.

U.N. — constitutional

The UNcrats claim “constitutional limits” for the U.N. system to make sure that the people would remain free. The sovereignty issue aside, it is a known fact that when a government grows beyond the true needs, the more oppressive it becomes. James Madison, perhaps the greatest political thinker in the history of our country, said the following on June 16, 1788, “I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”  

There are a copious number of written examples of the UNcrats touting their love for world government (read exceptionally large government). Strobe Talbott, who was Bill Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, proclaimed in Time Magazine on July 20, 1992, that the global government he envisions “…. is not an all-powerful Leviathan or centralized superstate, but a federation, a union of separate states that allocate certain powers to a central government while retaining many others or themselves.” I believe if Madison was alive today, he would be aghast to see how our federal government has taken over so many of those tasks that in the past the states or the people themselves undertook. To suppose that any “brakes” placed on the U.N. by themselves would be adhered to is a dangerous thought process.

It is truly sickening to hear the pro-U.N. crowd say that this global monster is an international version of American ideals. A serious study reveals that its founders and the U.N. charter are indeed anything but American. It promotes phony “democracy” around the world while at the same time not one of its officials gets a democratic vote to their U.N. post. The 185 national delegates to the General Assembly only consider, discuss, advise, or make suggestions to the thirteen members of the Security Council. So, there are absolutely no checks, balances, or separation of powers. Its so-called separation of powers is an illusion. They tout the General Assembly and the Security Council as symbolic entities like our House and Senate. It tries to say that the Secretary-General is like our President and the International Criminal Court (ICC) is similar to the Judiciary.

Following September 11, 2001, the United States did not go to the U.N. General Assembly to ask permission to respond. We sent our military to Afghanistan. In contrast to the Gulf War, we ran under a U.N. resolution. The U.N. stopped us from going into Baghdad to finish the job of muzzling Saddam Hussein and his gang of thugs. After Iraq’s failed invasion of Kuwait, the U.N. withdrew its inspection teams searching for weapons of mass destruction. Why? Iraq said so. This upsets few except for those who call for the complete withdrawal from the U.N. The corruption and waste alone justify goodbye. More importantly and logically it is important to consider the overarching goal of the U.N. — world government. Those who have no clue what the U.N. really is, which is the vast majority, or those who promote it, will use the mantra “extreme right-wingers” to denounce those who speak the truth.

Democracy at the U.N. has an entirely different meaning from what this global multi-headed hydra monster touts. What they really mean is that the government has decided to allow only certain individuals to take part in selected “negotiations” relating to a policy or international law. It only allows those individuals known to be in support of the U.N.’s position to have clout. Specifically, individuals represented by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who support its claims get comprehensive participation.

With respect to the ICC, enough counties have signed on to this U.N. treaty to make it “ratified” in the eyes of the UNcrats. So, our citizens may be subject to the ICC even though our Senate has never even considered it. Furthermore, are the UNcrats chosen by the people of their respective states (nations)? No. So, how can the U.N. even tout (really force-feed) democracy? Easy, democracy is a nice tool when a body is really a despotic machine. Even Marx and Lenin on occasion touted Democracy (the people had no choice but to vote for Communists).

One more note – in the Kyoto protocol, nations such as China would not be subject to the same carbon emissions thresholds as the U.S. Fair? One way around the “treaty problem” is to enter into agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement where it is possible to rule internationally by fiat. The keyword is agreement. Specifically, the President signed an agreement that is not subject to a vote in the Senate. If Joe gets to be the boss in 2021, look out!

U.N. Blue Should Be Green

There is a plethora of environmental initiatives spawned by the U.N. crowd. Surely, a clean environment is a good thing but rest assured that most solutions offered by the global green machine will lead to a loss of freedom. Remember, increased laws and regulations lead to more power in government (U.N.). The Kyoto Protocol and the International Criminal Court (ICC) are salient examples of the many treaties emanating from the U.N.

The U.S. government is adopting many of the U.N.’s policies. For example, the U.S. has signed Agenda 21 and is implementing the U.N.’s “Wildlands Project,” a plan to push millions of Americans off their land to make vast nature preserves. Under the U.N.’s 1988 Convention on Narcotics, The U.S. has adopted unconstitutional “asset forfeiture” laws that allow the seizure of property without due process. As much as I dislike illegal drugs, I, even more, deplore seizure of property without due process. What is next?

Senator Bob Smith from New Hampshire had introduced a bill called “American Land Sovereignty Protection Act” back in 2002 (2002 S 2575). This legislation, which has not passed, would require the approval of Congress before any American land could be made part of an international land preserve. Examples include the U.N. Biosphere Program and the World Heritage Program. Smith said, “The United States should not participate in these programs without assurances that American sovereignty and private rights are protected. I have been deeply concerned with the erosion of U.S. sovereignty by various international agreements for some time and have grave concerns with any action by the United Nations, or any other body that would infringe upon private property rights.” As usual, the establishment did not make a news item out of this. Silence is a big indicator where the establishment sits on this and other issues.

U.N. — equal

Currently, there are 330 million people in the USA, and we have just one vote in the U.N. General Assembly. Currently, there are 192 other members of which 130 have less than 13 million people (less than Florida). All nations have an equal vote. Obviously, the U.N. structure cares not for proportional representation. What is even more irritating is the fact that there are 31 nations in the General Assembly (remember equal votes) that have less than 500,000 people. Wyoming has more people. These nations have the same vote as the US, China, India, Russia, Great Britain Japan. Further, fourteen nations with less than 100,000 people have a vote equal to ours. They include Tuvalu (10,836), San Marino (26,937), and Liechtenstein (31,130).

In its charter, the U.N. proclaims to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war . . . to practice tolerance and live together in peace as good neighbors, to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security.” Since its start, has there been a reduction in the number of wars and conflicts around the world? No, as there are a copious number of historical facts that show the opposite. Furthermore, it can be said without question that this “international organization,” which is supposed to be an instrument of peace, has proven to be a threat to representative government and free-market initiatives. Today, the U.N. devotes itself to the global government that will end the sovereignty of all member and non-member countries through agreements, protocols, and treaties. Right now, the U.N. tinkers with all elements of life on earth from the environment to finance. It sure has found its greatest tool, the CCP Virus. The leaders of the world bow to the edicts of the U.N.’s very own W.H.O. Just by following the mainstream, one comes to the unequivocal realization that it wants global taxes, courts, and a peace force (military). Remember, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The U.N. has failed to bring about the peace that its willing partner the news media gush forth daily. So, what is extreme about telling the truth about this sham organization? Even outside the U.N. issue, I can say unequivocally that today the truth is not a popular concept. So, to shield the truth the pro-U.N. crowd will label those who wish to expose the U.N. as “extremists.” Specifically, it is not popular to say that the U.N. has failed in its peace mission and has made no impact on the abuse of human rights. To even mention the sovereignty issue brings on the xenophobia (fear of outsiders) mantra. The U.N. is a global malignancy undermining free societies everywhere. To put it in the words of one personal friend in the know — “It’s a sham organization.”

Somber Facts to Consider

  1. The Charter of the United Nations is illegitimate, having never been lawfully ratified.
  2. The Charter of the United Nations unlawfully transfers to the United Nations congressional and presidential war powers.
  3. The United Nations General Assembly has no lawful power to require the United States to pay dues to the United Nations.
  4. The Charter of the United Nations unconstitutionally usurps power reserved to the states by the Tenth Amendment.

Words of the Wicked

 “Treaties make international law and they also make domestic law.  Under our Constitution, treaties become the supreme law of the land…. [T]reaty law can override the Constitution. Treaties, for example, …. can cut across the rights given the people by their constitutional Bill of Rights.” —Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, April 11, 1952

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine ... whose directors have attended our meetings and respected promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to ... publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.” — David Rockefeller, at a meeting of an elite group in Germany in 1991

“My hope is that this [Earth] charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a ‘Sermon on the Mount,’ that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century and beyond.” —Mikhail Gorbachev interview with LA Times, 1997

 “Syria won a seat on the U.N. Security Council ... with overwhelming global support and no opposition from the United States, despite its prominent position on the U.S. list of nations sponsoring terrorism.”  — Associated Press October 8, 2001

 “...nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority.” —Strobe Talbott Deputy Secretary of State, 1994-2001

“In order to stabilize world population, it is necessary to eliminate 350,000 people a day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it.” — Oceanographer Jaques Cousteau Published in the Courier, a publication of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

We strongly endorse community initiatives ... to encourage the disarming of civilians....”  — Our Global Neighborhood, published in 1995 by the U.N.-funded Commission on Global Governance.

“I want to extend condolences to the families of those who died in the service of the United Nations.”  — Al Gore, June 12, 1994, in reference to 15 U.S. Servicemen killed while enforcing a “no-fly-zone” in Iraq

“Private land ownership ... contributes to social injustice.... Public control of land use is therefore indispensable.” — United Nations “Habitat I” Conference Report, 1976

“Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali ... urged the [U.N.] to consider imposing its own taxes to become less dependent on the United States....”

“We must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government.” — Walter Cronkite

“With respect to U.S. policy, when it comes to our role as a member of the Security Council [of the United Nations] we obviously are bound by U.N. resolutions.” — Colin Powell, Secretary of State

Recommended Reading

There is a plethora of books about the U.N., but may I suggest a few.  These books have information about the U.N. and the global agenda, and they are available from While I have added these books to my personal library and read them, there are many more not found in your local bookstore or library (wonder why?). If you read and discuss these books you need to be prepared; you will face scorning no matter how solid the information. 

Links About Globalization

In addition to the above books, the following Internet links are excellent sources about the true meaning of globalization.

The Bottom Line

Does the world need international law? Certainly. The core problem with the U.N. is the fact that it has grown into a bureaucracy with a penchant to rule the entire world. It needs abolishment and a new international law organization would be the ticket. This new organization’s only role would be to develop international laws only, along with a strict charter that forbids any intrusion into the sovereignty of nations.

Author and Publisher, Frederick R. Smith
Editor, Sean Tinney 

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    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    Wonderful Whittaker Chambers

    Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (

    Whittaker Chambers [1] (1901 – 1961) was a Soviet spy for a brief period of his life but realized his error and fought to expose the evils of Communism. He was one of the more influential figures of the last century, but few history books give the credit due to this man. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and early on his family moved to the New York City area taking up residence in Brooklyn and Long Island, New York. At South Side High School, he excelled at English and language studies. Upon graduation from high school in 1919, Chambers worked as a laborer and bank clerk. In 1921 he entered Columbia University where he took part in the school’s literary activities. He wrote for the undergraduate magazine “Varsity,” and edited the literary journal The Morningside.  While considered one of the best undergraduate students, Chambers’ attendance record was poor. It was a new interest that prevented him from going to class and graduating – Communism.

    It was from 1925 to 1937 that Chambers ensconced himself in the Communist movement.  During this phase of his life, he graduated from a simple activist to an underground espionage agent. After Stalin’s purges in 1937, Chambers became disillusioned and broke with the Communists, and became a staunch Christian. He became senior editor of Time, heading its foreign news section in 1944. He evolved into an ardent anti-Communist and was acutely aware of the struggle between the Godless system of Communism and Christianity. In his wonderful 1952 autobiography, Witness, he provided this stirring account of the great struggle:

    “The communist vision is the vision of man without God. It is the vision of man’s mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world. It is the vision of man’s liberated mind, by the sole force of its rational intelligence, redirecting man’s destiny and reorganizing man’s life and the world. It is the vision of man, once more the central figure of the Creation, not because God made man in His image, but because man’s mind makes him the most intelligent of the animals.”

    In 1948, Chambers testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA). It was here that Chambers bravely identified several members of a secret Communist cabal that had burrowed into United States government in the 1930s and 1940s. Chambers identified Alger Hiss as one of the principal players of this network.  Hiss was a high-level Department of State official who had advised President Roosevelt at the wartime Yalta Conference and was a key figure in the negotiations that led to the formation of the United Nations.  Hiss was also the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and served as a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes.

    As a spy courier, Chambers hid documents and notes in Hiss’ handwriting in a hollowed-out pumpkin on his Maryland farm. It was these “Pumpkin Papers” that Chambers produced almost sealed the case. As a result of the HCUA hearings, Hiss faced conviction for lying under oath. A five-year sentence included 44 months at the federal penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, before building the full espionage case, the three-year statute of limitations prevented the filing of that charge.

    Not only did the press vilify Chambers during the HCUA hearings professionals also attacked him. For example, during testimony, a psychiatrist took the stand to say that Chambers was a psychopath. Never mind the fact that the good doctor never examined Chambers.

    In 1995, the military released years of work that decoded secret Soviet messages that proved without a doubt the Communist infiltration of the government during the 1940s. Called the Venona Project, [2] this effort confirmed much of what Chambers, Elizabeth Bentley, and other ex-Communists told HCUA and other congressional committees (e.g., the McCarthy Senate investigation). Despite this proof and copious other documentation and analysis, many people reject Chambers, vilify McCarthy and still come to the defense of Hiss.

    There seems to be an epidemic of amnesia among baby boomers with respect to the fact that much of the “Red Scare” mantra crystallized from the HCUA, a committee of the House, not the Senate where McCarthy held office. As such, most liberals and some conservatives sadly react to the discussion of Chambers is proof of the terrible “McCarthy witch hunt.” The truth is McCarthy was trying to expose a terrible menace that drove him to an early grave at 48 years of age. While he was not a perfect man, like all of us, the falsehoods perpetrated against him sent him to the grave. For example, conventional wisdom says that McCarthy ruined the lives of those whom he was investigating. McCarthy did not want to release the names of the people he was investigating until convictions occurred. He did not want to jeopardize those who may have been innocent. It was the media who leaked names to the media, not McCarthy. To be fair and open, there are writings that suggest Chambers was a private critic of McCarthy. This is understandable based on the hysteria and lies propagated by the media during his lifetime.

    When Chambers broke with Communism in 1937, he told his wife that they were joining the “losing side” and two years later he tried to warn the Roosevelt Administration about Communist infiltration. Specifically, Adolf Berle (Assistant Secretary of State) took Chambers’ information directly to Roosevelt. The lack of response was typical which makes sense because FDR had an infatuation with “Uncle Joe” (Stalin). After his failed attempt to fully expose the Communist menace to FDR, Chambers used his position as a Time magazine writer and editor to warn the American people that Stalin’s regime was every bit as dangerous as Nazi Germany. Much to the displeasure of Time reporters, he would rewrite articles that he believed were too slanted in favor of communist causes. Chambers’ best works of that period have been compiled into a book titled Ghosts on the Roof.  

    When Chambers passed in 1961, the Associated Press waged a sad war of words against the man. In protest, the Sentinel Star of Orlando, Florida published a dissenting editorial:

    The staid, powerful Associated Press handled the news of Whittaker Chambers in a peculiar way. Chambers, you may remember was a $30,000 a year senior editor of Time who, in 1948, put the finger on Alger Hiss, the State Department spy, and lost his job, his reputation and his health.  The only reason we can think of is patriotism. He made a clean breast of everything; he wanted to atone for his mistake by warning of the US of its danger.

    The AP’s handling tends to indict him for being loyal to the US.  The AP calls him a “turncoat Communist.” Turncoat is a despised appellation and the inference is that anyone who turns from Communism should be despised. The AP says Chambers “tattled.” Telling the truth is honorable, but, from childhood, we are taught that tattling is unworthy. The AP says Chambers “recited” to a “Congressional spy-hunting committee.” Here the inference is that he repeated a cooked-up story and that spy-hunting is not a serious matter.

    Whereas the AP calls Hiss “brilliant,” it kisses off Chambers as being “pudgy, short and fat” and says, “he lived with a woman outside marriage.”  This was before he married a woman to whom he was devoted for 30 years until his death…

    We are living in peculiar times, gentlemen of the Associated Press, when patriots are maligned.

    In 1984, the late President Ronald Regan posthumously awarded Chambers the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The Medal’s citation reads:

    At a critical moment in our Nation’s history, Whittaker Chambers stood alone against the brooding terrors of our age. Consummate intellectual, writer of moving majestic prose, and witness to the truth, he became the focus of a momentous controversy in American history that symbolized our century’s epic struggle between freedom and totalitarianism, a controversy in which the solitary figure of Whittaker Chambers personified the mystery of human redemption in the face of evil and suffering. As long as humanity speaks of virtue and dreams of freedom, the life and writings of Whittaker Chambers will ennoble and inspire. The words of Arthur Koestler are his epitaph: “The witness is gone; the testimony will stand.”

    It is fitting to close this paper with a small sampling of the more stirring quotes by Chambers:

    Statement before the House Un-American Activities Committee, August 3, 1948:

    I know that I am leaving the winning side for the losing side, but it is better to die on the losing side than to live under Communism.

     “Foreword in the Form of a Letter to my Children,” Witness, 1952:

    A man is not primarily a witness against something. That is only incidental to the fact that he is a witness for something.

    Religion and freedom are indivisible. Without freedom the soul dies. Without the soul there is no justification for freedom. 

    The Communist vision is the vision of Man without God. 

    The crisis of the Western world exists to the degree in which it is indifferent to God.

    Communism is the central experience of the first half of the 20th century, and may be its final experience--will be, unless the free world, in the agony of its struggle with Communism, overcomes its crisis by discovering, in suffering and pain, a power of faith which will provide man’s mind, at the same intensity, with the same two certainties: a reason to live and a reason to die. 

    In closing, it is sad to say that as a nation we have relegated great people like Chambers to the dustbin of history. Meanwhile, a considerable number of people today believe that personalities like Michael Moore and George Soros are “patriots.” 

    Major printed sources for this paper include:


    1. His birth name was Jay Vivian Chambers and he assumed his mother’s maiden name, Whittaker, in the 1920s, and he subsequently used a number of aliases.
    2. The book Venona Secrets details the information compiled from the namesake military project. This book provides concrete evidence that American Communists successfully infiltrated the State Department, Treasury Department, Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Justice Department, Agricultural Department, Commerce Department, the Office of War Information, the War Production Board, the Board of Economic Warfare, the Civil Service Commission, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), the army, the navy, Congress, the Manhattan Project, the United Nations, and the White House.

    Author and Publisher, Frederick R. Smith
    Editor, Sean Tinney 

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      Wednesday, November 25, 2020

      Dubious Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

      Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (
      Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955) entered the Society of Jesus (Jesuit) order in 1899 at the age of 18. Just as he started his geology studies in Paris, World War I broke out. He enlisted as a stretcher-bearer and served during the entire war.

      Ordained a Catholic priest in 1911, Teilhard thereafter received a doctorate in paleontology in 1922. He lectured at the Institut Catholique in Paris from 1920-23. He visited China in 1923-24 and returned to France to teach, but in 1926 his superiors forced him to abandon the academic field. He returned to China because of his controversial attempts to reconcile the traditional view of original sin with his concept of evolution. His superiors also decided to limit his publications to purely scientific material, a limitation that continued throughout his lifetime.

      Shortly after his return to China, Teilhard became an adviser to the National Geological Survey. It was in this capacity that he collaborated on research that resulted in the 1929 discovery of “Peking man” (Homo erectus). He remained in China until 1946 and it was during this period that he completed the manuscript of The Phenomenon of Man. This work outlined his concept of “cosmic evolution.” He believed that evolution was a process involving all matter (the cosmos) undergoing more complex changes that would lead to the “Omega Point.”

      Trapped in China due to World War II, Teilhard returned to France after the war ended. However, from 1951 until his death in 1955, he lived in New York.

      Teilhard’s evolutionism earned him the distrust of his religious superiors. Even the scientific community was suspicious of his religious mysticism, but there was a large contingent of people who cherished Teilhard’s work. Sir Julian Huxley posthumously published Teilhard’s works including Letters from a Traveler, The Divine Milieu, The Future of Man, Human Energy, Activation of Energy, and Hymn of the Universe. The overarching philosophy (or theology) of Teilhard was his mantra that claimed humanity followed a path to unification up to perfection, the “Omega Point.” This is just another utopian mind scheme.

      Teilhard lives on today in the writings of many new age thinkers. For example, Marilyn Ferguson in her best-selling 1980 new age book The Aquarian Conspiracy (I actually have a copy of this weird book) points to the spiritual evolution taught by Teilhard who “prophesied the phenomenon central to this book: a conspiracy of men and women whose new perspective would trigger a critical contagion of change.” [1]  Former Vice President Albert Gore also points to a vision of Teilhard in his 1992 book, Earth in the Balance: “The religious ethic of stewardship is indeed harder to accept if one believes the world is in danger of being destroyed -- by either God or humankind. Teilhard previously wrote a similar screed: ‘The fate of mankind, as well as of religion, depends upon the emergence of a new faith in the future.’ Armed with such a faith, we might find it possible to re-sanctify the earth.” [2]

      Some people believe that Teilhard foresaw the Internet based on this quote from his 1947 book The Formation of the Noosphere:

      “No one can deny that a network (a world network) of economic and psychic affiliations is being woven at ever-increasing speed which envelops and constantly penetrates more deeply within each of us. With every day that passes it becomes a little more impossible for us to act or think otherwise than collectively.”

      In addition to the above dubious axioms, Teilhard was a champion of “Liberation Theology,” which embraces the egalitarian precepts of Marxism. More specifically, he believed that economics evolve like creatures, and in time society will change to supply the necessities for all people in an equal manner. Sounds nice but as discerning readers know the reality is a lot different. After World War II, both the Jesuit and Dominican orders allowed some of their members to become “priest-workers” in the manner preached by Teilhard. The church leaders encouraged these “priests” to mingle with the workers of the world, even to riot or take up arms in conflicts such as the Nicaraguan civil war. Nevertheless, we do not hear from those enamored with the non-existent “wall of separation” ever complain about clergy who get involved with egalitarian politics. A priest who is fighting with communist rebels is just dandy; after all, the result is “all that matters.” 

      Teilhard and his fellow travelers despised the hierarchy of the Church. Some will think that this concept is grand, as “communist societies assure that everybody is equal.” Again, it is important to say not so: never has, and never will be. The leaders of communist regimes were anything but equal to the rest of society, but sadly this fact still eludes those with egalitarian worldviews. This was the same trait that Teilhard exhibited. Unfortunately, people like Teilhard and like-minded individuals to this day think and believe that such notions are the only way to fix all the ills of society.

      I am inclined to say that most who subscribe to this thinking believe that they are doing a good deed for society. Along these lines, our friends with this worldview will point out the fantasy of universal health because they do not know about the virtual lack of it in Canada and other nations with socialized medicine.

      To be perfectly honest, this author does not completely fault most people enamored with collectivism because the media and education system are virtually silent about the horrors of Communism. It is too bad that the masses are not as educated about Communism as they are about the horrors of Nazism. We all know of the copious movies about the horrors of the Nazi regime. However, Hollywood produced virtually no movies about the horrors of Communism. The Back Book of Communism is a profound reality check.

      All of the above notwithstanding, what is so sad is the fact even to mention that Communism was (is) as bad as Nazism brings on the clarion call of “Holocaust Denier” or McCarthyism.

      After digressing a bit, it’s prudent to note that the Teilhard story is one small glimpse of just one chapter in a long story about the Jesuits, some of which can be a source of much discussion and controversy. Nevertheless, there are indeed many good things that the Jesuits have performed for humanity.

      Fast forward to recent history. It is obvious that Teilhard’s philosophy has a special place in the influencing spirit used by the preachers and leaders of today. Nowadays the Supreme Pontiff is a shining example. The “wall of separation” only apples to orthodox teachings but the Teilhard-like new age mind mush gets a pass.


      1. The Aquarian Conspiracy by Maryland Ferguson, 1980 (page 25)
      2. Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit by Al Gore, Albert, Jr. Gore, 1993 (page 63)

      Major printed source for this Publius Paper, The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church by Malachi Martin, 1987.


      Author and Publisher, Frederick R. Smith
      Editor, Sean Tinney 

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        Tuesday, November 10, 2020

        Keep America America

        Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (

        This treatise is an open letter to leftists and contains some tough love for the other side.

        In the year 2020 we suffered, complained, and fought. A virus of questionable origin found its way through the world to the delight of many in power. The best reporting in the midst of all this—CNN Trumpets Greta Thunberg as Coronavirus Expert. More breaking news, Trump not conceding so time to ramp up Covid big time.

        The CCP virus fits famously into the Hegelian Dialectic. On one side are those who fear we all will die (thesis). On the other side are those who believe it is a total hoax (anthesis). The middle is the solution (synthesis) and that is the worst. This is where the luminaries gain more control.

        The mainstream demonized those who wished for a restoration of our revoked constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. Meanwhile, people who have a squeaky wheel get well-lubricated showers of delight with praises of “mostly peaceful protests.” The reality — terrorizing innocent bystanders.

        Racial issues supplied the fuel to radicalize many a person to engage in the same activity they complain about. Just ask a patron in a restaurant where the mob ransacked the place. Or how about when Senator Rand Paul and his wife almost faced doom at the hands of the mob. These insurrectionists are all around us. For sure the leftists form these mobs. Lest we forget, Antifa is a nothing according to the maybe-next-president. Remember, he said it is “An Idea, Not An Organization.” This author grows very weary of the lie that only the “right is violent.”

        Many a media and their comrades holding office latch on to the defund the police mantra. With incomprehensible disorientation, we get glimpses of the very people who call for defunding but call police for help. Of course, the intellectual giant with pea brain leaders (sic) that call for defunding will have at their disposal a security squad armed with loaded weapons.

        For the Trump haters, it is a comprehensible mental state for obvious reasons. For a man who does not have the polish of a political leader, the enemy of the state had found its perfect tool of deception. We see nonstop hate and Marxist ideals stoked by the media, schools, entertainment, and sports. The quintessential example — academia! This collectivist cauldron supplies the mental mind control to stop the effort to keep America America.

        Digging deep, we see it is all about world control, this is a fact. A hope-to-be Biden Administration luminaire called for a four to six-week national shutdown. In reality, this is a part of the Great Reset. The luminaries see this perfect storm to make you and I bicker. Few can see beyond the true state of affairs. From a National debt of 21 trillion-plus and counting, be ready for total control and few freedoms. Indeed, this Great Reset is quite a brilliant plan to usher in the New World disOrder.

        For those who despise these words, be careful what you wish. True freedom, not the French Revolution-style liberty is the path for a bright future. Please remember the luminaries want you and me to fight, it is their path of control. Many “good things” have stone pavers that lead to a freedom-less world. Socialism works until it runs out of everybody’s money. Let us not forget the phony lower-case Republican leaders have sure been at the same pig’s trough making money out of nothing. The collectivist cauldron and other leaders will not advertise this fact as that will surely cause the total crash and hyperinflation. It is not a matter may be; we will become the new Venezuela. Keynesian Economics on steroids. Right out of the Reds playbook: The end justifies means.

        Many an issue will sound good like a clean environment, equality, and a living wage. Beware, these good sounding mantras have sinister forces behind the curtain. Many a scare tactic instilled lasting fear on the population. Rest assured the “big business kill mantra” is a fiction. The year 2020 is the time where these big businesses get a reprieve. Why? Their new showering of money to certain social justice causes (communism) supplies cover and protection from the mobs.

        The leftist specter of big business invokes visions of deadly pollution. However, rest assured many of the leviathan companies who provided the boogeyman for the environmentally connected types will now get the reward of making money for the cleanup, the Green New Deal (green on the outside and red on the inside). This time, however, these mega corporations will make a big buck using everybody’s money. It is already occurring whereby public-private partnerships consume tax dollars and fiat money. Read all about it in The Creature From Jekyll Island and get to know about the real cause of inflation. A separation of business and government is in order.

        Donald Trump can only blame himself for not getting a landslide in the reelection. Nevertheless, given all the shady issues, like six battleground states with Democrat governors who all paused counting on election night, he had that “disadvantage” to overcome. The Trump Tweets and caustic behavior pushed a lot of votes to the socialist side. I write this without hesitation and no reservation. Lest we forget, Hillary told Joe never to concede. So now it is time for the Marxists to claim fake news, fake news. The video from the Detroit ballot counting center must be an elaborate hoax with a bunch of actors making a fictional scene.

        The Democratic Party, with a few exceptions, is home to an outright communist leaning membership. The Republican Party has its problems too, but it is the lesser of two evils. It is a shame there is not a good and vibrant third party or a lot of true American independents running for offices.

        While pinching my nose and voting for Trump, one thing gave me the incentive of such a choice. It is clear that he does not like globalism, also known as the New World Order. He had incredible energy to fight this truly evil virus. The Marxists say America First is xenophobia rot (it is not).

        The left hates those of us who like Trump’s pro-life stance. Some say he really is not pro-life but used the cause for his political gain. Regardless, it is with no reservation this author is guilty as charged. I do not want my tax dollar to go to abortion. The woman’s health mantra is a big lie.

        So, my liberal and middle of the road friends who voted for socialism — you will be sorry for the choice. Perhaps you will enjoy being equally miserable like the rest of us. And oh, your leaders will remain in their mansions protected by their armed guards. Oh, I get it, when your socialist utopia fails it will be Trump’s fault.

        The notion that Sweden is the example of a good socialist country to promote your collectivism is a red herring. In fact, Capitalism Saved Sweden. To reduce the drain on their coffers, in recent years the Swedes had to switch government programs to the private sector. Meanwhile, the movers and shakers of the CCP who make fortunes on pseudo capitalism, subject their population to endless propaganda and force many into slave-like labor camps. The Chinese regime’s reality of organ harvesting is an atrocity that cries out for vengeance. The evil communists have many financial stakes in business here in the USA with the NBA as their poster child. It would be grand to see George Soros to go after the CCP and leave the USA alone.

        Is there any compromise or common ground in all this? Unlikely. Those on the left are now gloating. You cherish the thought that Trump supporters face tagging, dissing, canceling and doxing. All this just like the tactics detailed in The Black Book of Communism. You are the new McCarthy Party. Some compassion.

        A little lesson from the time of the Clinton presidency is in order. This writer truly hated Bill and it was ugly. In time the obsession manifested itself to a point where one becomes what they hate. Once a person told me to grow up, I then realized it is much bigger than Clinton. Indeed, it is. It is all about power and control. It is the same with the never Trumpers.

        So as a final effort, for the Trump haters - will you show the “compassion” your side promotes? Will you embrace the free speech you and your leaders tout about? Doubtful.

        Rest assured the Marxist insurrection will continue. The riots will now show as news rather than distorted. The left will simply blame the right-wing even with Trump (possibly out of office) as the cause. Places like Portland and Seattle get what they wish for voting in the insurrectionist sympathizers. Celebrate communism with a skirt displaying Lennon, Mao, et al. The nurse ratchet media scant coverage will tag this as right-wing instigated violence. The CCP is happy as they will have the Bidens and Harris in their back pocket. According to Gen. Robert Spalding:

        “[The] Chinese Communist Party is working on very closely with our own corporate sector, our own academia, and our all own political institutions— to essentially promote things like critical race theory, things like applied postmodernism, things like social justice, that really have less to do with equality under the law, and more to do with a very particular form of racism. This feeds right into what the Chinese Communist Party wants to do.

        For the people who voted for Trump, thank you for seeing past the mind-numbing hate that the compassionate crowd projected. The good Lord allowed this election outcome for reasons we do not understand. It is refreshing to know that half the voters see through the mainstream. Controlled-opposition, Fox included. As a recommendation, here is an independent perspective from across the pond — pundit Paul Weston states that “This Coup D'Etat Could Lead to U.S. Civil War.”

        In defense of the Trumpers, it is utterly amazing to read and hear about copious instances of voter fraud and irregularities. Comrades, on the other hand, be happy, the Washington comPost dispels it all! Given the mainstream's stellar reporting of the left-wing riots, burning, looting, and murder, we can take the comPost’s reporting to the bank. Just ask the small businesses who lost their property and employees no longer working because of the fiery but mostly peaceful protests, I’m sure they will agree (not). Meanwhile, the nurse ratchets mainstream blabbers on about no evidence. Just like 2020 left-wing riots and mob violence: “we know nothing.” It is all about the right-wing causing the left-wing to riot. What a bunch of bubbles and soap (B and S).

        We citizens at one time worked together by sharing common culture and history. Leftists, Maoists, socialists, progressives, alt-liberals, programmed liberals, Leninists, neo-cons, et al make up a witch’s brew. This caldron spent years tearing away our common heritage. They declared American philosophy racist and rewrote the history books into a catalog of brutalities. In 2020, they have decided that you and I (of the same physical and philosophical make-up) are automatically a bigot simply for a skin pigment. Inclusive is it not! It certainly is a mystery how the cauldron’s luminaries born with this particular pigment fit into their own philosophy. Ah ha, sports fans, just remembered, they are Woke! And for the encore to warm your heart — Oregon Strippers to Receive Federal Coronavirus Aid.

        It is time to make yourself a pain in the rear to your local, state, and federal politicians. Write letters of concern about issues that matter. Be factual, professional, and non-threatening. My first letter will be to my state representative asking him to draft legislation to enact electronic voting. It mystifies me how we can do secure online banking but continue to use paper for voting! No more hanging chads, sharpies, dead person votes, and dumped ballots.

        Sunday, November 8, 2020

        Weird Wilhelm Reich

        Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (

        A personal acquaintance of this author believes that the experiments and “psychology” of one Wilhelm Reich have merit. Since this person made an oblique reference to the “sexual nature” of Reich’s works, I was naturally skeptical. Sure enough, after some research, it is no stretch to consider that the experiments of Dr. Reich are the product of a “mad scientist.”

        Wilhelm Reich (1898-1957) was born in Austria and graduated from the Medical School of the University of Vienna in 1922. He was a student and protégé of Sigmund Freud and he became one of the psychoanalytic pioneers (for lack of a better word) that led him into the laboratory where he focused his efforts on the investigation of the energy found in nature. While conducting his early experiments, many considered him to be Freud’s successor but his infatuation with the sexual aspects of humans caused the Austrian psychiatric profession to question his motivation. It was involvement with the early Communist Party in Europe that broke the camel’s back.

        In 1933, Reich left Germany and settled in Norway because the Nazis were going after the communists. Reich came to the United States in 1939 where he continued his experiments, which were about the “energy” that occurs during human orgasms. No kidding. As such, he performed bioelectrical experiments on subjects in various states of sexual arousal. A newfound force detected during these experiments was purported to be the same type of energy that decaying matter emits. Reich also claimed to see microscopic “bions” develop from lifeless matter and organize themselves into living cells. Now I know where the writers of the 1960’s Outer Limits television show may have got their inspiration!

        By 1940 Reich had constructed his first “accumulator.” This contraption consisted of a box insulated alternately with organic and inorganic substances. Reich claimed that the particles seen in his microscope were unidentified energy. Because of his belief about the similarity between human orgasms and the energy from decaying matter, he named the purported “Orgone” power. It was during his experiments when he placed a milligram of radium in one of his accumulator machines, that Reich’s eyes started to burn, which caused a form of Conjunctivitis, and he received a skin tan. People as far away as 90 feet from his building became sick. As a result, he tried many methods to shield and contain this energy.

        In 1941, Reich met with Albert Einstein and he was excited to have a chance to discuss his theories with the famous physicist. However, Einstein ignored the claims about Orgone. Undaunted, in 1948 Reich founded the “Orgone Institute” at Rangeley, Maine. Experiments with orgone energy and electromagnetism continued.

        The mainstream scientific community criticized these experiments and Reich naturally took every criticism as a personal attack. Nevertheless, he was convinced that these experiments “proved” that his works were the greatest discoveries in the history of science. He blamed the mainstream for his problems because he felt that his discoveries were too disturbing for them to accept.

        Undaunted, Reich built accumulators large enough for people to enter for mental disorder cures and arresting cancer. These contraptions were known as “Orgone accumulators” and sold to any person willing to take the plunge. As Reich distributed these machines, the government started investigating the good doctor.

        As the story goes, workers and visitors got sick during experiments as ominous clouds appeared over the Orgone Institute. Additionally, the vegetation near the area died and Reich claimed that this was caused by “Deadly Orgone Radiation,” more reason he claimed that he had to produce the “good” Orgone Radiation (he insisted this was a life-giving process). So, he developed a “Cloud Buster” machine made from piping which sat on a revolving platform. Reich claimed that this latest contraption could make or dissipate clouds.

        A 1947 FBI investigation occurred to figure out the extent of Reich’s communist connections. [1] This investigation concluded that neither the Orgone Project nor any of its staff was at the time engaged in subversive activities or were in violation of any statute within the FBI’s authority.

        In 1954 the U.S. Attorney General filed a complaint seeking a permanent injunction to prevent interstate shipment of devices and literature published by Dr. Reich’s group. That same year, Dr. Reich faced incarceration for contempt of court for violation of the Attorney General’s injunction (he refused to go to court). The Food and Drug Administration ordered Reich’s literature to be banned and destroyed. [2] Reich asserted that “Man’s right to know, to learn, to inquire, to make bona fide errors, to investigate human emotions must, by all means, be safe, if the word freedom should ever be more than an empty political slogan.” The Court rejected this defense and convicted Reich of contempt of court and imprisoned him in Lewisburg Pennsylvania Penitentiary where he died on November 3, 1957.

        While Reich had his detractors, there were those who defended his works. Enter one Phillip Rieff, an advocate who wrote in his 1966 book “The Triumph of Therapeutic – Uses of Faith After Freud”:

        The chief institutional instrument of repressive authority is the family. As a political revolution must overthrow the power of the state, moral revolution must overthrow the power of the family – all families. Reich makes the standard point: the family, being the training ground of morality, is authoritarian by nature. It is the “factory of reactionary ideology and structure”…   A revolution must sweep out the family and its ruler, the father, no less cleanly than the old political gangs and their leaders. However radical the revolution, so long as the family persists, authority will creep back.

        Reich’s works include volumes such as Character Analysis, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, The Function of the Orgasm, The Cancer Biopathy, Children of the Future, Passion of Youth, Beyond Psychology, American Odyssey, and Orgonomic Functionalism.


        1. FBI Press release February25, 2000, according to “This German immigrant described himself as the Associate Professor of Medical Psychology, Director of the Orgone Institute, President and research physician of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation, and discoverer of biological or life energy. A 1940 security investigation was begun to determine the extent of Reich's communist commitments. In 1947, a security investigation concluded that neither the Orgone Project nor any of its staff were engaged in subversive activities or were in violation of any statute within the jurisdiction of the FBI.
        2. As bad as Reich experiments may have been, the government nor social media giants should not engage in blatant censorship. We should take reasonable measures to prevent harmful reading materials from reaching children.



        Author and Publisher, Frederick R. Smith
        Editor, Sean Tinney 

        Saturday, November 7, 2020

        Crazy Chisholm

        Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (

        George Brock Chisholm (1896-1971) was born in Oakville, Ontario and he joined the Canadian Army’s 15th battalion during the First World War. He served as a cook, sniper, machine gunner, and scout, and his leadership skills and calm demeanor under pressure brought him honor, including a Military Cross for heroism at a battle in France. In 1917, he returned to Canada a legend, and at this point, he decided to pursue medicine, which had been his passion since he was a child. His fascination with human emotion brought him to prominence during World War II.

        Chisholm earned an M.D. from The University of Toronto and he specialized in psychiatry during an internship in England. After working six years as a general practitioner, in 1931 he studied at the Yale School of Human Relations where he focused on the mental health of children. He concluded that:

        “Children must be free to think in all directions irrespective of the peculiar ideas of parents who often seal their children’s minds with preconceived prejudices and false concepts of past generations. Unless we are very careful, very careful indeed, and very conscientious, there is still great danger that our children may turn out to be the same kind of people we are.” [1]

        After his Yale studies, Chisholm returned to the Canadian military to study the psychological aspects of soldier training in the Second World War. He quickly rose to the post of Director General of the Medical Services of the Canadian Army. In 1940, leading British psychiatrist John Rawlings Rees and Chisholm co-founded the World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH). Chisholm proclaimed that their goal was the “The reinterpretation and eventually eradication of the concept of right and wrong” [2] and declared that “If the race is to be freed from its crippling burden of good and evil it must be psychiatrists who take the original responsibility.” [3] In 1944 the Canadian Government appointed Chisholm to the post of the newly created Deputy Minister of Health. In 1945, Chisholm told the American Psychiatric Association:

        “We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests, our newspapers and others with a vested interest in controlling us.... The results... frustration, inferiority, neurosis and inability to enjoy living, to reason clearly or to make a world fit to live in.” He urged psychologists and psychiatrists to become leaders in the “planned development of a new kind of human being” and added: “Without the extensive help of psychologists and psychiatrists it is quite probable that mankind will not long survive the fearful changes which are taking place.” [4]

        Chisholm is one of many of the founding fathers of modern psychology. The psychiatric leaders (sic) wish to re-educate the population using mind games to create a new breed of amoral people. Their goal — a worldwide socialist order. With respect to part one, they have succeeded, as Bill Clinton is the quintessential example of amorality. With respect to part two, their weapon is holding the threat of incarceration in mental facilities for those who do not go along with their concept of socialist world order.

        Throughout his career, Chisholm was obsessed with the concept of right and wrong. He also disdained the concepts of love of country and parental morality instilled in children. He proposed that psychotherapy work to eradicate the concept that man has the right to defend his own private property. Specifically, in the February 1946 edition of Psychiatry he wrote:

        There must be an opportunity to live reasonably comfortable for all the people in the world on economic levels which do not vary too widely either geographically or by groups within a population. This is a simple matter of redistribution of material wealth… Even self-defense may involve a neurotic reaction when it means defending one’s own excessive wealth from others who are in need.  [5]

        There we have it. At least Chisholm was honest about what he really wanted — comprehensive overarching socialism. This ilk may have good intentions, as they genuinely want that everybody has most things handed to them. The problem is that socialism has never worked, and it never will work. If everybody has an assurance that all needs will be met, then who will have the desire to work toward a goal to produce the things that everybody needs? Collectivism leads to slavery to produce the necessities of life. This concept also explains why the socialist governments of Canada, England and Australia have made it illegal for men to defend their property (i.e., gun elimination). Look out USA! In November 2020 we are well on the path to the same horrors. Everybody will be equal, but equally miserable, except for our leaders (sic). 

        Chisholm and his associates have been working diligently for a worldwide socialistic system and their prime instrument is the United Nations. So, Chisholm found his way to become the leader of the World Health Organization, an organ of the United Nations.

        In the typical left-wing smear move, the Wikipedia website says that “Religious and other conservative writers and groups have accused Chisholm of being a Marxist or a Communist or subversive.” Well the facts sure confirm that assertion!

        For the one closing overarching question: of the elite who espouse equal distribution, how many are in the upper stratosphere of wealth and possession? Plenty.

        1. Your Dictionary
        2. Wikiquote reference to “The Psychiatry of Enduring Peace and Social Progress,” 1946 pg. 5
        3. AZ Quotes
        4. Harvard Square Library
        5. None Dare Call It Treason 25 Years Later pg. 221, reference to Psychiatry, Feb. 1946

        Author and Publisher, Frederick R. Smith
        Editor, Sean Tinney