Friday, April 23, 2021

Nightmare in the North


This is a special edition of Frederick R. Smith Speaks that covers horrors from up north. A close associate, who lives in Canada, provided your author with an astonishing compendium of news. Prepare yourself for the “Nightmare in the North.”

The major focus of this paper, Covid-19, concerns a real pandemic and sympathy goes out to those who lost loved ones. Just as tragic are those lost because of the lockdowns and not included in the hyperbole. The word “Plandemic” refers to the debased elite (Illuminati) and the debased woke puppets at the end of their strings. Both enjoy the power trip to use Corona-doom (created mostly by manipulation of data) to control the world’s population.


The name of the country “Dominion of Canada” derives from Psalm 72:8. “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.” The Canadian Constitution directly references the supremacy of God as the foundation of law. Sadly, such as in the United States, and virtually the rest of the world, the law of the land takes a back seat. The United States Constitution is robust as well but that does not prevent our politicians from ignoring it. The same goes for common people who no longer respect the freedom of speech by engaging in the Caustic Cancel Culture Pogrom (CCCP). Particularly shameful are the big businesses with debased-woke directors and managers who do the dirty work for the crummy-woke-commie politicians.

The Canadian Constitution also assures its citizen’s freedoms, but the Plandemic lockdown overlords ignore these rights. Under the guise of Corona-doom, and as detailed below, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section 2 and Section 6 take a direct hit:

Section 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: 

(a) freedom of conscience and religion;

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

(d) freedom of association.

Section 6. Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.

The Laundry List

With so many Corona-doom news bytes from our northern correspondent, it seems impossible that other insane things occur. But alas, even more, unearthly things seem to occur in concert with Corona-doom. The news abounds every day and this is just a shortlist. Get ready for a bumpy ride and enjoy(?) your author’s summary of the following news items.  

Covid Camps

The covid camps (hotels under government order) are quite wild. Officials remove locks from the doors and multiple sexual assaults have occurred. There are also cases of people deprived of food for days and blocked access from the outside world. The quarters are moldy and unsanitary. The kicker is the fact that everyone must pay $2,000 for this “privilege.” 

It is getting so bad that the opposition in Parliament is calling for a suspension of the camps. The original request for proposal states internment can be needed for “other federal requirements” besides Covid. Travelers coming into Canada go into mandatory hotel quarantines as part of measures designed to keep Canadians at home as the government grows “increasingly concerned” about the risk of new Covid variants. Canadians are subject to quarantine even after testing negative and/or already receiving the vaccine. There are Canadian workers receiving vaccines in the states (due to poor implementation in Canada), specifically Florida, and when they return to Canada, they are still subject to the camps. The vaccines are working just dandy!

Church Closed and Caged

On April 8, 2021, health (cough, cough) officials in Alberta, Canada, decided to “physically close” a local church building. To reopen, the church leaders must agree to finally follow Corona-doom regulations. Police vehicles blocked entrances to the parking lot of GraceLife Church in Edmonton and officials erected fencing around the building. The congregation has met normally since summer 2020, despite requirements that church gatherings limit capacity, require masks, and practice social distancing. Law enforcement arrested its pastor who spent a month in jail refusing the conditions of bail (agree to follow health regulations).

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms that represent GraceLife elders, and the pastor James Coates, said this action prevents citizens from “exercising their Charter freedoms of peaceful assembly, association, and worship.” The church leaders wrote: “We believe love for our neighbor demands that we exercise our civil liberties. We do not see our actions as perpetuating the longevity of Covid-19 or any other virus that will inevitably come along. If anything, we see our actions as contributing to its end—the end of destructive lockdowns and the end of the attempt to institutionalize the debilitating fear of viral infections.” The congregation continues to meet at a secret location for fear of reprisal from authorities.

Covid Overlords Cancel Healthcare

Throughout the Plandemic, hospital “Covid-19 protocols” resulted in the cancellation of many surgeries. One example, from the first stages of the Corona-doom, included the cancellation of a British Columbia man’s surgery. As a result, he died and therefore this simply amounts to murder by bureaucracy. Chris Walcroft, a 50-year-old father of two, passed on April 15, 2020, after the cancellation of surgery, to prepare his kidney for dialysis. According to his wife, the surgery would have given him access to life-saving treatment. The hospital refused to supply an explanation.

Canada Universal Voter ID

A requirement for identification to vote in Canadian Federal elections is a new process and the woke folk supplied the usual resistance. The current government is proposing mail-in ballots as well and this effort is up in the air for the next election. While this is something our Canadian friends work to make right, their voter ID requirement makes the United States look like a third-world country. The Canadian Federal Government manages elections and has voter information stored. So, shall we get on the horn to the Caustic Cancel Culture Program (CCCP) and sic them on Canada? Furthermore, do we insist that Major League Baseball cancel their relationship with the Toronto Blue Jays?

Drug Dispensing Machines

How about $3.5 million for vending machines to dispense medical-grade opioids? The federal government supplied funding for five vending machines that will dispense the “meds” in British Columbia, Ontario, and Nova Scotia. This program will (supposedly) help prevent overdoses.

Father Arrested for Being Father

A British Columbia father faced contempt of court charges concerning the spreading of information about his transgender child. The father breached court orders banning him from revealing the identities of his child, his former wife, and medical professionals engaged in his child’s transgender treatment. It is all about the father’s objection to his child born female at birth but undergoing “gender affirmation treatments.” The mother supported the child’s transition, and the father ended up in jail for calling his daughter his daughter.

All the above problems occurred because some lousy woke judge or judges said to call a girl a girl is illegal. The high court ordered the dad not to stand in the way of the 15-year-old’s hormone therapy. He shall better understand gender dysphoria! The loving officials ordered the dad to stop speaking to the media about the case. They warned that his public attempts to undermine his child’s wishes are a form of family violence.” More recently, the system sentenced the father to six months of incarceration and subject him to a mandatory $30,000 donation to charity. This makes Orwell’s 1984 seem mild.

Free Speech Fallen

A Canadian activist from Vancouver traveled to Montreal to peacefully show his displeasure about giving puberty blockers to children. Black-clad debased woke folk attacked the man. These commie creeps punched the activist, stole his camera, and broke his arm with a traffic cone. The incident occurred in downtown Montreal, where the Vancouver resident said he was having a peaceful conversation with a local man. Video shows several assailants, including at least one woman. 

Independent Media Not

The pro-government media has been bought out by the Prime Minister via a $30 million bailout package. If they dissent, they lose their funding so everyone in the Canadian media supports lockdowns. On March 20, 2020, the National Observer reported Prime Minister Trudeau’s remarks: “Right now, it is more important than ever that Canadians have access to the latest news and information… To ensure that journalists can continue to do this vital work, our government is announcing new measures to support them.” Let us face it cogent unwoke folk, Plandemic lockdowns cause more problems than they supposedly fix. Just like in the USA, the Canadian Media is a lapdog for the government.

But wait there is more. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is a state broadcaster (completely funded by the government) that gets $1.5 billion per year in federal subsidies but only watched by 329,000 people in Canada. There have been calls to defund the state broadcaster altogether. The current policy of the federal opposition is to defund the English portion of the CBC but many people say this does not go far enough.

History Forgotten and Ignored

Our Canadian correspondent spoke to people that immigrated legally to Canada who lived during communist rule in Poland. They are terrified that the same thing is happening in Canada with all the socialist programs implemented under the guise of fighting Covid. Likewise, the better half of the son of your author’s neighbor is from Russia. This lady, and her Russian parents, have the same sentiment about the States as reported by our Canadian correspondent.

Interprovincial Travel Trashed

Interprovincial travel is a way of life, but Québec restricted it last year and it affected many people. Divorced parents with shared custody were not able to see their children. The “Covid Police” forbade the maintenance of cottages and second properties. Also, they prohibited medical help unless a patient already had an appointment. People could not go property shopping. The mayor of Ottawa said that he did not approve of this but had to comply as it was a provincial order. The understaffed police situation results in more crime in trying to enforce these draconian measures.

Officials were exempt from the travel restrictions. With churches closed, the Prime Minister was able to cross provincial lines to visit his cottage for Easter.

Military Propaganda Plan

Canadian military leaders developed a propaganda plan to thwart civil disobedience caused by Covid measures. However, the top brass shut it down because of its radical measures of “shaping” and “exploiting” information. Specifically, the program planners wanted to keep civil order during the Plandemic. Cooler heads prevailed because of concerns that the plan could be open to abuse because of the propaganda. Military sources contacted the Canadian media to raise concerns. Issued on April 8, 2020, it was officially halted on May 1, 2020. The top military leader said that as long as he is in charge, these tactics wouldn’t be used in a domestic situation (except in the case of an enemy invasion).

Riots in Canada

On April 11, 2021, scores of protesters set fires and smashed windows in downtown Montreal. This Canadian version of mostly peaceful protests occurred because of an adjustment to a Covid-1984 curfew. With the officials tightening the city-wide curfew from 9:30 to 8:00 PM, the protest erupted and police responded with tear gas. This move, also implemented in other Covid-19 hot spots across the province took effect in Montreal. The protest began in relative calm, with a mostly young crowd dancing to music from loudspeakers while lighting fireworks and chanting, “freedom for the young.”

Saving Ethnic Babies Equals Hate Speech

In October 2020, a Canadian territorial Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA), equivalent to a member of a state legislator in the USA, faced removal from his cabinet position of Artic College and Nanavut Housing Corporation. As a reference, Nunavut is a Canadian Territory (the newest, largest, and northernmost territory of Canada). MLA legislator Patterk Netser denounced burn loot & mayhem (BLM) and abortions in the African American community. He posted comments on Facebook criticizing African American women for having abortions and saying that “all lives matter.” Premier Joe Savikataaq said Netser’s comments were “based on racism and gender violence.” So, saving babies is a form of racism.

Unreal Real Estate

Homes in Toronto’s poorest neighborhoods are going for $750,000. Many residents are either leaving the city or applying for social housing. A hut in Toronto sold last year for almost $2 million. A tiny Toronto house that hit the market for $1 million has just sold for $800,000 over its asking price. The two-bedroom, one-bathroom home in “Little Italy” went up for sale in July 2020 and received lots of attention for its high asking price. Meanwhile, a basketball player in Toronto recently sold his house for $5.12 million. When the story made international news, many people could not believe the small size of the house. Five million dollars does not buy much in Toronto anymore. It is exceedingly difficult to build housing due to red tape, so prices have always been artificially high. 

Many people in Canada buy housing as an “investment” instead of stock as the price always increases due to lack of supply. Government intervention also makes the housing industry something “too big to fail.” Corona-doom has merely accelerated this process. Rentals and condominium pricing/capacity in Toronto are dropping drastically but property increases in value throughout Canada in general.

Xenophobia in Canada?

A University of British Columba student from Ontario reported vandalism to her car while enjoying skiing at a ski resort. Because her car has Ontario license plates, she urged others to think twice before judging a car and its driver based on its license plates.  

Along these lines, in a blast from the past, your author traveled to Canada some 30 years ago to do some professional technical consulting. Small measuring instruments in my baggage got the Canadian customs in an uproar. They asked why a US citizen would be doing this work with Canadians out of work. Convincing the officials that this was an incredibly special consult with the Canadian company requesting my services, they let me go on. While irritating back then, I now say good for Canada to take care of their own. Oh Canada!

Your author’s experience at the border is not unique and goes both ways. Canadian NAFTA status workers, when they go to the States, legally get the same resistance at the border. It makes Canadians scratch their head as they are given resistance and accused of “stealing US jobs” while the debased woke swamp creatures let illegal aliens (oops, undocumented visitors) in from Mexico. The Canadian workers worried that NAFTA status would change as Trump re-drafted NAFTA, but nothing changed.


By their actions, the Canadian overlords, like many in the States, imply by their unconstitutional and cruel actions that Corona-doom shall only be canceled after zero. We are talking zero sicknesses, zero “cases,” zero hospital admissions, and zero deaths. And let us not forget zero CO2. As a bonus for the overlords (or should it be over-loads), this zero will never occur, thus ushering in the forever new normal. So, therefore it is necessary and convenient to classify so many losses as Covid. In normal times a lot of these same losses would be, well, losses. RIP deceased fellow citizens of the world.

Currently, Canada’s leaders are the Western Hemisphere’s Covid worshipping poster children. The crème de la crème is the Province of Ontario with its Covid Police State. My good Canadian friends and other citizens are in shock. Meanwhile, our woke governors in the States look on with envy.

The masked virtue-signaling marches on. Just listen (it hurts) to the Fauchi worshippers who go along with wearing a mask after vaccination. We are equals now, the Church of Covid, just like Animal Farm. Too bad our leaders do not just man up (uh oh, hate speech) and say the truth: the crummy experimental injections are as worthless as a tit on a bullfrog. On the other hand, it just may be the ticket to cull the population in the long run. That is good for Mother Gaia.

Out of bad comes some good news. Many Canadian leaders have stood up, but they have been ostracized by the media or kicked out of their respective parties. So many politicians have been kicked out, they have started an anti-lockdown caucus.

And, last but not least, check out this gem: Canada’s disturbing censorship conversation.


Covid Camps

Church Closed and Caged

Covid Overlords Cancel Healthcare

Canada Universal Voter ID

Drug Dispensing Machines

Father Arrested for Being Father

Free Speech Fallen

Independent Media Not

History Forgotten and Ignored

  • Your author and Canadian correspondent’s personal experience.

Interprovincial Travel Trashed

Military Propaganda Plan

Missing Mental Health Measures

Riots in Canada

Saving Ethnic Babies Equals Hate Speech

Unreal Real Estate

Xenophobia in Canada?



Cogent Author and Publisher, Frederick R. Smith
Cogent Correspondent, anonymous Canadian
Cogent Editor, Sean Tinney

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    Monday, April 5, 2021

    Mother Gaia Gone Wild

    Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (


    Today the government, media, and education proclaim a constant gloom and doom narrative about the ecosystem. Even some mainstream churches bloviate about the plight of Mother Gaia. [1] Together, these entities engage in gaslighting to program this narrative into the brains of the citizenry. [2] It is all about the environment and the plight of creatures great and small.

    With the above backdrop, it seems we have lost the ability to remember and learn from our history. Scientists have discovered the A1 Mutation, a defect affecting people’s ability to learn from the past. [3] Therefore, we must take a spin back in time from the 1970s up to the turn of the century to see the roots of the current environmental/species movement.

    Forest for the Trees

    With all the forest fires in recent years, common sense would need to be applied to reduce fires. What is the solution? To selectively cut the trees and right on queue, the radical environmental zealots go into ballistic launch mode. The typical manta was and continues to be “Fred is selling out to the corporations.” If truly about the environment, it would, in a pure sense, be a noble thing. However, uncut forests burn, plain and simple. So why do we keep our hands off the forests to let them burn? 

    Let us place all of this in another perspective by saying it is perfectly acceptable for nature to pollute. What else is the answer? One response is that a small number of the radical environmental zealots are pantheists that knowingly or unknowingly worship Mother Gaia. How dare we the modern people (the scourge of the earth) defile mother planet to do things like cut trees to make houses. However, do these worshippers even consider the program whereby most of the corporations that harvest trees plant more than harvest? Currently, on an annual basis growth outpaces harvesting.

    If people want to worship the earth, this is perfectly acceptable as the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees participation in a religion (or non-religion) of one’s choice without interference from the government. So, shall we play the same game as those who invoke the “Wall of Separation” to prevent certain people from publicly expressing their Christian religion? Therefore, the people who worship the earth should not receive any help from the government to aid them with their pantheistic environmental causes. It is now appropriate to ask an environmentalist how they like it when we say that they cannot publicly express their earth worship.

    In 2002, radical environmental zealot William Meadows, president of the Wilderness Society, chided then-President W. Bush for an “irresponsible anti-environmental agenda ...The truth is that waiving environmental laws will not protect homes and lives from wildfire ... history, and science clearly demonstrate that clearing fuels away from the immediate area around homes is the best protection.” Mr. Meadows affirmed a truth - cutting does protect homes! It stops fires. Oh my, oh my indeed. One of sound mind must then conclude that selective cutting throughout the forest will help to protect the rest of the forest.

    The above shows some of the illogic spewing forth from some of the radical environmental zealots. However, it does not matter what this author, or for that matter those with a Ph.D. in science say to counter the radical environmental zealots. The media offers nothing of what true science has to offer about the environment. It is clear as a glass eyeball that the establishment will project the mantra of the silliest of the radical environmental zealots. A particular mainstream reporter some years ago said that left-wing environmental zealot Theodore Kazinski (the Unabomber) was a “nice guy.”

    Does it get any worse? Surely, as your author remembers the reports about the four firefighters who lost their lives in 2001. At the Okanogan National Forest in Winthrop, Washington, firefighters perished because of the inability to pluck water by aircraft from a river. The environmental zealots said the firefighters “should have not been there.” Not been there? The real story is the fact that the environmentalists delayed the plucking of water to save the firefighters because of concerns about the fish. The fish may have been picked up in the water used to fight the fire. So, the firefighters perished because the radical environmental zealots refused to allow selective logging.

    Forest fires are indeed natural occurrences and are nature’s way of thinning the underbrush. Enter humanity, who can be a good steward of the earth by using nature’s bounty to make life better and healthier. Does it not make sense to use the material rather than to let it burn? Not to the radical environmental zealots. Of course, abuse of natural resources can be destructive. It also can be unequivocally said that people can coexist with nature. With forests declared off-limits to people, intense fires occur. As a result, we get smoke (nature’s pollution) spewing forth into the atmosphere. As far as this author is concerned, the radical environmental zealots cannot see the forest for the trees. Or could it be that they have another agenda?

    Unquestionably a good environment is an absolute necessity. However, rest assured we have a hijacked movement with feel-good platitudes for covert purposes (green on the outside and red on the inside). But for now, let us focus on another example of the duplicity of this movement. Many of the same people who deplore “corporate welfare” such as subsidies for ranching, mining, logging, etc. are the same ones who are active in the environmental movement. Some may say, “OK Fred what’s your point?” The same ones who cry about corporate welfare are active in a movement that itself receives a copious amount of subsidy from the coffers to tout their environmental issues. Today corporate welfare is a gold mine for woke causes such as the environmental movement.

    The radical environmental zealots or their handlers aside, it is possible to allow selective cutting or thinning of trees to 1) reduce wildfires and 2) provide lumber to build such things as houses (the same places that environmental zealots live in most of the year).  The environmental zealots believe that the logging of the dead burnt wood from the forests should not be allowed. They believe that Mother Nature should fend for itself. If so, then let us stop all farming and let nature take care of itself to supply our food. Surely this would finally secure a Utopia on earth by significantly reducing the population. Think this is a joke? Enter one Mr. Jaques Ives Cousteau (RIP) who once said “In order to stabilize world population, it is necessary to eliminate 350,000 people a day”

    Endangered Species Act Up

    In 1973, President Richard Nixon signed the Endangered Species Act (ESA) into law. The ESA gives the Federal government overarching power over “endangered” species, subspecies, or distinct regional populations of creatures from a four-legged mammal down to a microscopic insect. It is a wonder how they choose certain creatures to be “extinct.” In addition to the work of politically motivated scientists that work for the government, private lawsuits occur to make the government include a particular creature on the endangered list. And, certainly, their motives are pure — it is all about the creatures. Just like it is “all about the children.” If so, then there is some swampland for sale in Texas.

    As the government acts to protect a particular creature, it can and does limit the use of private property that may be “critical.” Our good “Little Wiley” friends are the quintessential critical habitat example. The ESA, a powerful act, takes precedence over the taking clause of the Constitution. There are a copious number of examples where people lost their jobs due to the halting of a construction project because of an accident that killed a particular garter snake (oh the horrors).

    The government spends billions under the ESA cult because the Commerce Clause makes it “Constitutional.” If not, how about the General Welfare clause to take care of that unfortunate obstacle? Another fine example of the living breathing Constitution.

    Remember the northern spotted owl? That creature is one of many ESA tools that the radical environmental zealots continue to invoke to thwart human rights. A particularly salient example from back in 2002 is the case of Marsha Seier from Linn County, Oregon. She lost $300,000 in marketable timber because of sightings of a particular critter on her property. This loss was solely due to a pair of owls named “Little Wiley” that was on her property nine years before the controversy and not seen since. Because these two birds have a “potential” to come around once again, the government prohibited Marsha from cutting good harvestable (renewable) timber on 40 acres of her property.

    Considering “Little Wiley,” what about the Fourth Amendment? Since the government must supply just compensation for the taking of property, should the government compensate Marsha? Some will say, how did the government take? The environmental laws prohibit people to “take” an endangered species. Some will say: “So what, people should not be rewarded for cutting trees.” Excuse me, but this is property owned by a citizen and as such it is Marsha’s for her use as desired. Does this mean she should destroy the environment? Good citizens will act accordingly and there is nothing wrong with selective cutting and keeping the property in good shape. Private property owners typically do this better than the government. Most forest fires occur on government property.

    While it is unpopular to do it, we must consider some very poignant questions concerning some of the radical environmental zealots. For example, do they live in houses? Virtually all houses have wood products. Do they read any printed material or distribute propaganda? Certainly, and some will say that environmentally conscious people tout biodegradable packaging. Agreed, but boxes and paper bags are paper products (read trees). This is like the campaign to demonize SUV owners, as the elitists who peddle this mantra have large homes and multiple vehicles. This, along with the environmental-social-gospel, constitutes two quintessential examples of hyper hypocrisy.

    Some will say, “Hold on Fred, this is about the owls as they need their trees!” While the argument is about giving the owls more rights than people, we must point out that there are plenty of trees for these critters and many others, even with harvesting. At this point in our history, we already know growth outpaces cutting. We must also ask our environmental friends about the plight of the critters when the forest burns due to a lack of harvesting. I can only imagine the answer to this puzzling quiz. The above aside, the radical environmental zealots still want a significant amount of the land in this country to be devoid of a particular creature that they believe to be detestable — humans.


    Do not expect the young people of today to grow up and reverse this totalitarian thought process. Our wonderful schools indoctrinate the children in earth worship – plain and simple. How do we know? Here is a particularly poignant personal experience. Some years ago, your author was taking part in a community walk to advance cancer research. Walking along the river in our community, the daughter of my friend vilified the anglers. They were enjoying a day out catching the newly stocked trout. She said, “Oh those fishermen are destroying the environment.” This was from a girl in the second grade! Where did she get brainwashed – school. If still skeptical of Fred’s claims, check out Ark of Hope.

    Friends, today we are subjected to gaslighting (pun intended). A never-ending storyline framed in a 24-7 projection with a 1984-like setting proclaiming that carbon dioxide gas (a necessary ingredient of life) is a pollutant. [4] Dare one raise a simple question? Here comes the Pavlov’s Dog response: “You’re a climate denier.” Worse than a Holocaust denier, or we might, dare we say, face hate speech charges against the New Normal’s god, Mother Nature. That’s right, for example, when questioning the Covid doom narrative or environmental mania, you could face charges of hate speech as demonstrated by the Center for Countering the Digital Hate. After all, SARS-Cov-2 is a natural thing. Or is it?

    We all know about the onslaught of environmental madness by the indisputable fruits of things such as the Green New Deal. It is called Socialism. Nowadays, the trifecta consisting of government, media, and big business have toned down the Green New Deal rhetoric. Do not worry, my debased woke folk friends, that this is all hidden in the multi-trillion-dollar (and growing) congressional bills (and growing) that address Corona-doom and the supposed rebuilding of the infrastructure. Congress creates fiat money to fund this largess. [5]


    1. “Step forward Gaia: a god that even militant atheists can respect, if not revere. Unlike the God of the Bible, Gaia is one of those lustful, irritable, and contrary gods that populate Greek mythology. As ‘Mother Earth,’ she was the second element in the evolution of the cosmos after Chaos the primordial void, according to ancient lore.”
    2. Frederick R. Smith, Ghastly Gaslighting, September 27, 2020.
    3. Operation Dragon: Inside the Kremlin’s Secret War on America (Encounter Books New York – London 2021) p. 175. “Soon after the Soviet bloc collapsed, researchers at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in the now liberated Leipzig discovered a genetic factor, the A1 mutation, which affects the ability to learn from past mistakes. On April 12, 2003, thousands of Americans, presumably infected by the A1 mutation, began sermonizing that capitalism was America’s real enemy and that it should be replaced with socialism by redistributing the country’s wealth. Quite a few young Americans cheered. They were, of course, galvanized by the prospect that a Democratic administration would force rich Americans to pay for young people’s own health care, mortgages, loans, and school tuition.”
    4. William M. Briggs April 15, 2021, The Looming Decarbocalypse — Guest Post by Uncle Mike. “It goes without saying, but must be said anyway, that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the fundamental building block of all life. Every atom of carbon in your body (we are all carbon-based lifeforms) was once atmospheric CO2. Every molecule of Oxygen (O2) that you breathe (without which we would rapidly expire) was once atmospheric CO2. . . . In their quest for power and money, the authoritarians and totalitarians seek to eliminate CO2 from our atmosphere. It may be a scam to justify world domination and mass enslavement, but if their plans are acceded to, they will generate the Decarbocalypse: the End of Life on Planet Earth. Their madness has escalated beyond genocide and total war to the death of our planet. Instead of “saving the environment”, they will kill us all and the rest of nature to boot.”
    5. Frederick R. Smith Speaks, Creature from Jekyll Island, July 17, 2021. “The basic reality of inflation is the fact that it is a hidden tax. It is the result of the increase in the supply of money and credit. The value of the 1940-dollar, compared to the purchasing power of today, is now only about 50 cents or less (and counting). Another salient point to consider is the fact that inflation has nothing to do with supply and demand (rising wages and prices). These are the symptoms of the damaging effects of pumping money without backing into the economy. This is the fiat currency backed by nothing more than the faith of the people.”



    Cogent Author and Publisher, Frederick R. Smith
    Cogent Editor, Sean Tinney

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