Tuesday, May 5, 2020

COVID Terror & Handcuffs

Photo by the author February 17, 2017, Denver Airport

Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (substack.com)


The purpose of this blog: an attempt by an average person to freely express his observations, opinions, and draw some conclusions about the very worst crisis in the history of our Nation (USA). Specifically, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, in a word - terrifying. However, once subjected to TV programming (boldface double underline), including controlled opposition called Fox, some things do not add up.

For the record, I have sorrow for those who suffered. As for the “you do not care about the vulnerable” Pavlov dog response thrown my way - I am at the vulnerable age. But, but, Mr. S what about the young people affected. With our God-given body, each is unique in makeup. Sad to point out that there are people of all ages that might have an underlying condition or varying immunity. Of course, for those of any age afflicted and get severe symptoms, SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID) is bad, it happens so fast.


My most important education consisted of something no formal instruction could ever provide. It is from a great man that I had the privilege to meet and have a wonderful relationship with at the turn of the century. I will use his initials here, RD. This man of gentle manner for many decades fought the cause to spread the word about the evil of “Social Justice.” He mentored me to look past the illusion of the world to critical thinking. Sadly, RD has passed on. I am now in his position in life when I met him and only hope to carry out a tiny fraction of his wonderful work.

From the very beginning, the “official news” supplied confusing content (both sides). If draconian, the expectation: we would put aside our differences. Nope, and that is why the spectacle did not add up. Yes, this is bad and like other maladies that have come and gone since the beginning of time. For example, in 1968-69 the Hong Kong flu killed one million worldwide with 100,000 of them in the USA (source CDC). The SARS-CoV-2 virus is indeed “novel” for many reasons. Modern medicine (bad elements), media, big government, big pharma, poor food habits, big crony capitalism business, social justice gospel, and the education system (social engineering) constitutes a witch’s brew. This caused the population to be void of natural stamina and resources to get through this. The worst part is the fear foisted on the people of the earth. This is WW-3 and the (likely) winner: China and/or the New World Order overlords.

Sorrow, Anger, & Frustration

I have extra sorrow (and anger) for what is going on in the NYC area which accounts for most of the “official” fatalities in the Nation. The public hospital system in that region was helter-skelter on a good day before this crisis. My ventilator outrage started from a personal conversation with a well-respected retired MD. I will keep those details private. It is something to ponder that loved ones could not be at the death bed of a close relative and challenge what is going on. IMHO this may account for inflated COVID fatality numbers as well as the rush to deal with the results of that regional crashed health care system. The official number for the USA on May 3, 2020, is 67,674 (source Johns Hopkins). What are the deaths and attribution (or what it may be the day you read this) for WITH COVID and what is the number died OF COVID? Recent legislation pays hospitals higher Medicare rates for COVID patients and treatment. Some research is in order here. Please explain Hopkins (64k) vs. CDC (37k). Note: May 3, 2020 figures.

Meanwhile, many people suffer from the prohibition of “elective” surgeries across the Nation. For example, many are in anguish for not getting joint replacements. I personally know of other acute examples. Many hospitals may go bankrupt because the overlords forced them to “divert resources” for COVID. These “elective” surgery patients are sitting at home suffering and rotting because of this inane decision by our “leaders.” In some areas of the nation, it will take months, if at all, for the system to recover and schedule procedures. More unnecessary suffering.

Rest assured the social justice warriors will prop up their Utopian single-payer system. It will be sure interesting to see the statistics and do a comparative analysis of COVID vs. other fatality factors after this is all done. Unfortunately, it seems our overlords do not want this to end. The narrative perpetuates until we all get a Bill Gates vaccine accompanied by a digital tattoo (this is not sarcasm nor a joke). In the meantime, a whole lot of newly hired people will perform contact tracing. For forced vaccination and testing: it is my body my choice! A real help to this cause will be the Chinese donated hi-tech surveillance drones now used by some municipalities. No abuses?

I do not hear the media apologizing to the preppers. In the past, they did their best to marginalize and smear these people. Early in the last century, we had Civil Defense that encouraged people to be self-sufficient. If we had a solid monetary system (real money backed with intrinsic value), people of all levels of society would have enough money. Money saved and necessities in storage to weather a storm like the COVID panic. In turn, no need for fiat currency to get us through this. The safety net for those who fall through the cracks would be through charities of your choice. Over taxation (and the hidden tax called inflation) due to fiat currency has made it impossible for the average person to give to charities. From a social justice perspective, it is the government that that “fixes” the ills of society. This is so wrong on so many levels.

Recently I wrote a letter to my Representative asking him to introduce legislation. The letter asked him to steer our Nation to self-reliance for medical equipment and pharmaceuticals. His reply - a two-page letter all about the wonderful work he had carried out with all these COVID bills passed creating all that fiat currency. Not only did he insult my intelligence, by not even addressing my request, but also had the gall to remind me not to touch my face. To be fair, it is probable he never saw my letter, and his staffers cut and pasted into a reply to make me happy. Now you know why I am so infuriated with the overlords. How can I trust them?

Some Conclusions & Strong Opinions

It is through experiences and faith that spawned a mental antiseptic against a horrific machine (the witch’s brew). This is the educational programming system and psychological operation we call the media. There are good alternatives today in the polluted social media venue. But it takes discipline and discernment to filter real and valuable information. I am convinced there is a lot of misinformation and propaganda that gullible people (all political stripes) swallow. The CCP trolls plant propaganda to get patriots smeared. Be careful of the plain text sent by email or pushed on the net. If no URL (the www., thing) do some research to confirm before sending it along. Another tactic is to paintbrush images and plants them as clickbait. They push stuff that might seem to confirm facts, but it really is a tool to smear us. They own the USA thanks to greedy crony capitalists, politicians, fiat money, and globalists. Those responsible are guilty of treason - both parties and board members who profited by the sale of their business to CCP. Smithfield foods - a quintessential example. But they have the ideal retort – “Mr. S you are xenophobic for being America First.” I do not care anymore.

Risk management is an operative for me. If we want a 100% guarantee from transport accidents, then we cannot move and would suffer a degenerate societal downfall. Seeing auto accidents has not stopped me from using transportation modes. I refuse to let SARS-CoV-2 stop me. I see a total trashing of our God-given rights. Yesterday the local programming (double underline boldface) projected this juicy overlord blast from the mayor – “I ‘ask’ joggers to wear a mask.” Maybe gloves for the joggers are in order. Gloves are more trash in the landfills. Wash or sanitize hands. Gloves are for medical staff along with protocols. Of course, use gloves when working with chemicals, etc.

I recently met and had a discussion with a very prominent liberal lawyer. While we disagree with moral issues, we agree on my core points outlined above. The keyword is unconstitutional. We are a nation of sheeple. Why is it we as a people do not have the common sense to wash hands, and wear a mask when we are close together? But no, the overlords want to us wear a mask even when jogging. Never liked a lot of handshaking and public hugging (I must have been onto something). Quarantine the sick (or vulnerable as with COIVD), great! But it is tantamount to tyranny with others forced to do the same. I know, people can carry this without symptoms and more research is in order as related to other maladies. To the clear disdain of the overlords, a growing number of the population now has antibodies.


The overloads will scoff and block SARS-CoV-2 anti-body testing. They do not want you to know the full quantity of people with antibodies, does not fit the narrative. Tag “Herd immunity” as a right-wing farce like the malaria drug thing! Arrow 2 in their quiver: “we” (your trusted media experts) do not know if those with anti-bodies will have long term protection. Arrow 3: there are many strands of COVID. The list goes on and on. And the latest babble “too soon, too soon!” It is clear the overlords do not want the USA to get back to work. The model needs adjustment. Follow the logic (sic.) of “too soon” vs. “flatten the curve” - next.

Flatten the curve, flatten the curve. Take a close look at those nifty charts now embedded in our consciousness. Notice something very conspicuous but never mentioned by the overlords? The total number of the flat curve and the high curve are the same. In other words, the same quantity in a long time vs. the same quantity in a shorter time. Yes, the overlords say it mitigates admissions to not overwhelm the hospitals. As a common person with some common sense, would taking extreme measures only in the high population areas be the prudent thing? Not allowed to say that, Mr. S you are a COVID denier! Mr. Not Allowed, thank you for respecting my free speech rights.

I become indignant going to a big box store to get items when it is impossible to visit a local store owned by a small business owner. It is akin to demonic disorientation when a small business, like a printer, who may have a couple employees and a customer or two at any given time, even in normal circumstances, will now likely go out of business. The socialist inclined are onto something about big business, but we no longer hear about anti-trust laws. Paradoxically, these citizens champion so many programs needing a Leviathan government. Along the line of a wealthy news reporter championing the needs of the impoverished while cheering on professional sports players who make obscene amounts of money.

It puzzled me why we had mixed messages from all those experts about masks. A good guess: that had something to do with facial recognition. I wear a bandanna; a win in the fight against the overlords tracking system. More reason to not trust the overlords. That begs the question of replacement after each sneeze or cough event! More trash in the landfills. I do find a bandanna reduces the impulse to touch my face, a good thing. Among the conflicting information, seems the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transfer to the body occurs from hand to face. The Chinese can laugh at us since we now look like them! Masks aside, the trumpet blares about how long SARS-CoV-2 will live on! A long time on plastic and less on cardboard, etc.


Here is a real dozy - one state, at the beginning of the crisis, passed a bill banning plastic and paper bags for shopping. Bring your own contaminated bags along, I guess. It will be interesting to watch the menagerie when people need to take masks off to place food in their mouth at a restaurant. Tables will need to be more than six feet apart. I guess seats will have to be six feet apart as well. This will be discriminatory for married couples. But Mr. S, studies that say six feet is not enough. The virtual reality folks are onto something. Where is the ACLU when we need them?

Now think about this no matter how crazy it is - pizza boxes! How about each slice in a separate container if acquaintances are to partake for example at a construction worksite? That will be great for the landfills as well as the added handling. More discrimination. But we can produce a dandy fiat regulation forcing them to skip lunch and chalk that to good dieting. Think pizza joints will sell a tomato pie in one box to a family if they swear to go right back to the house? Cannot have picnics anymore. Okay Mr. S you are going off the deep end and down a rabbit hole. Not so. Recently saw an image on the mainstream “news” illustrating the future airliner. The middle seats will face the opposite direction and surrounded by a Plexiglas bubble. I am not joking. I will claim motion sickness if backward. More discrimination. Get stock in a USA Plexiglas manufacturer.

Get this sports fans, the governors suffer terror. Shocked, just shocked, that people are going to open beaches after trumpeting “stay at home” for six weeks. One governor of an unnamed state has the word “Knucklehead” upon the highway electronic signs. Did Knucklehead governor and his other associates ever encourage people to get out of their house to do yard work and take a walk in the neighborhood? Nope as that might have resulted in people congregating. And oh, let prisoners loose to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and meanwhile arrest people for breaking the fiat COVID “laws.” But wait there is more.

How about that person in a canoe with nobody else in sight getting a ticket! The “stay at home” mantra with no encouragement to exercise – sickening (literally and figuratively)! To force, by fiat, people to stay at home with no encouragement to get out for exercise it tantamount to tyranny. Their loyal subjects are not obeying! Time to punish them. Gag me with a spoon. The “new normal” touted day in and day out is quite the Orwellian term! Just insult, control, and restrict healthy people the most, who spread SARS-CoV-2 the least. Meanwhile increase the mobility of and freedom for the homeless, prisoners, and others who spread the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

We have short memories. Just think back before the COVID crisis. The media just loved to show the “bad” police beating up somebody for a minor offense. Fast forward to today. The media seems to have changed their tune by showing the “good” police beating a person violating the anti-social distancing threshold dba social distancing. For the record, I have the utmost respect for the law enforcement profession.

Constitution Canned

Now, this is an important one. Can anybody let me know if any of the Executive Orders the governors signed have any basis in law? Did any state legislature enact any laws? Me think not but would appreciate hearing from those who might know. “Mr. S, the governor does have the power to open or close state Parks.” Okay yes, but to really abrogate our rights the only recourse is Martial Law (bad-bad). There have been arrests. Talking with a law enforcement professional, officers use some fuzzy statutes. For example, “disturbing the peace.” ACLU – help! There is some good news, in all this mayhem, the states discovered their rights as provided for in the Constitution. That will not last long with bailouts from the Fed (more inflation).

With stunning blabbering, we heard about the possibility of immunization carry cards. Can I see your papers, please? Meanwhile, hinting at the possibility of a voter ID card brings up the xenophobia mantra. The perfect fix is in an electronic ID GPS wristwatch-like device. Cannot leave that home like the phone. Taking it off will trigger an alarm at contact tracing headquarters. Send out the snooping troops. And guess what friendly nation might manufacture these pseudo marks of the beast appurtenances? Xenophobia outrage aside, how about undocumented visitors; let us hope they will be a part of this wonderful program. One state that will go unnamed might be onto something when they declared drivers licenses for these citizens of the world. The question – does an undocumented (keyword) visitor supply the same paper that a citizen submits to prove eligibility (SS card, water bill, etc.) and receive a license? A documented person shall prove citizenship! Orwell could never script this insanity.

It is with deep sorrow to remember those who fought and died for our Constitutional rights. I really do not want the Southern Poverty Law Center to tag me as a “COIVD denier.” That is next and will be worse than a holocaust denier. Trust me. Meanwhile, abortion clinics go unabated and proclaimed an essential medical service in most states. One governor trumpeted the anti-life mantra in breathtaking new heights claiming it is about the “well-being” of the woman’s physical and mental health. No mention of the vulnerable unborn person. I know, "not a person" in their “thinking,” even up to the moment of birth. Look up the laws in New You State the champion in that regard. But this all makes sense with the need for fetal stem cell tissue to manufacture the new Fauchi/Brix/Gates digital tattoo vaccine combo. Braking news, breaking news, the mainstream has something they like – Remdesivir. It is time to research the money trail surrounding this puppy.

I can go to a fast-food burger joint but prohibited to receive Holy Communion from the trained hands of a priest. And there is this; the good protestant minister who wanted to have a drive-in stay in auto service. The local police officers (forgive them for they do not know what they do) openly proclaimed the abrogation of his God-given freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights.

Honor & Quinine

Before getting to the end, it is fitting to honor those who have continued to work through this frightening episode. Health care, law enforcement, transportation, food workers, etc. The list goes on. It does include some of the lowest-paid workers (the bad side of crony capitalism). Employers must supply equipment and procedures corresponding to employee tasks. We all need to use common sense and proven processes. This will help to prevent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (as well as other viruses). And of most importance, take care of those who are vulnerable of any age.

Take a good multivitamin, drink tonic water with quinine, and exercise. Get weight down if necessary and do daily deep breathing exercises. That will help with immunity. If you do not have one, get a pulse oximeter and check levels daily. Mid 90s oxygen is good and if noticing a downward trend, go the hospital.

The Recap

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it. Truth it is the new Hate Speech. During times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. It is all about creating fear, not about warning of danger. Danger and fear are not the same.

It is shocking what is going on but understandable given what I have outlined above. I am lucky to have lived most of my life in the USA. I do have a motto: “out of bad comes good.” I do not know what in post-COVIDUSA. We should display flags upside down. God works in strange ways and He is in control.

Now that you are here and read the above, thank you for taking the time to digest my thoughts. I have no intent here to throw darts at any individual. Yes, it may be sarcastic or snarky at times to make a point or to engage the reader to ponder. It is just the ramblings of a man seeing the destruction of his beloved USA! I thank all those who might disagree for giving me the incentive to write this. I know my detractors will say “there may be some minor flaws, but this is all for the good of the whole.” My reply - prepare for hyperinflation with sufferings astronomically above the COVID issue. If you think the United Nations will help – rethink that. My dear friend RD guessed that the overlord’s internet (their own tool) might stop the New Work Order. Let us pray and hope.

I will fight for the right of people who may peacefully disagree to voice their opinion. Can we agree that this goes both ways?

Frederick R. Smith

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