Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Taste of Tyranny and Anarchy

Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (substack.com)


It is not enough in a situation of trust in the commonwealth, that a man means well to his country; it is not enough that in his single person he never did an evil act, but always voted according to his conscience, and even harangued against every design which he apprehended to be prejudicial to the interests of his country. This innoxious and ineffectual character, that seems formed upon a plan of apology and disculpation, falls miserably short of the mark of public duty. That duty demands and requires, that what is right should not only be made known but made prevalent; that what is evil should not only be detected but defeated. When the public man omits to put himself in a situation of doing his duty with effect, it is an omission that frustrates the purposes of his trust almost as much as if he had formally betrayed it. It is surely no very rational account of a man's life, that he has always acted right; but has taken special care, to act in such a manner that his endeavors could not possibly be productive of any consequence.

Edmond Burke - Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents” (1770)


Tyranny and anarchy abound, rose-colored glasses no longer work. For those who believe the pendulum is swinging and worry not, please open your mind. You have free will, just reject this paper or read it and decide. To protect the innocent, there are code words and terms throughout this text. Here goes my “hot button” topics in this COVID rage age of 2020 that I would like to indulge the reader.

Big Bad Businesses 

It is curious how certain issues swap sides. In the case of big businesses, I have engaged in a long-standing discussion with a Political Correct (PC) person about their big business concerns. The argument goes like this. Big businesses are corrupt entities stomping on the rights of the people. Big government is there to serve and fix the ills of society.

Enter Covid-1984. The hate big business crowd (Marxists) are now happy with big businesses including the mainstream media. The media pushes the Marxist narrative and the big businesses funnel massive amounts of money to the cause. Therefore, the New Political Organ (NPO) has an unlimited pool of funds to push its agenda. The newscast and entertainment psychological caldron project a constant mind-numbing narrative promoting the NPO. Indeed, the NPO may seem to be all about parity. But just go to the NPO’s home page to see their very own Marxist planks.

It is easy to see why the Marist now like big businesses as they get the big money. Of course, businesses that do not promote the narrative face the cancel culture. Meanwhile, big pharma will reap the rewards to produce that “safe and effective” Covid-1984 vaccine. Once we all get the needle plunged in our arm, Bill and Anthony will then cancel the new normal.

Here is the final but overarching point for this section. As we all know, Covid-1984 must have intelligence. It avoided big box stores and targeted small businesses.

Cancel Culture

A new phenomenon in warp drive is the withdrawal of support for companies or public figures after they have done or said something against the Political Correctness Religion (PCR). Mostly occurring on social media, the “Cancel Culture” is a form of group shaming. The mainstream plays along well. We are familiar with the inane canceling of band name icons such as a certain pancake mix, rice, and ice cream bars. Names worth mentioning include Dixie Chicks and Washington Redskins.

As illustrated above, the despicable element is the tagging of products or services that have had no basis or intent on being against the PCR. From the crowd that touts forgiveness, no such thing – targets get no second chance. Canceling has gone toxic and too far. It rejects anyone you disagreed with or someone who did something you did not like. No discussion, I tried it during a lengthy exchange with a PC person. Upon the suggestion we end in gentleman agreement to agree to disagree, my PC friend refused. So much for being all-inclusive from the all-inclusive crowd.

J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter fame) is a nifty example of cancel culture (she is even a PC type). On June 6, Rowling retweeted an op-ed piece that discussed “people who menstruate,” apparently taking issue with the fact that the story did not use the word women. “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure they're used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?,” she wrote.

The small number of people who delight in cancel culture can ruin lives over mistakes made many years ago. Worse yet, using what was acceptable to say 30 years ago (e.g., no women in combat) is now a PC weapon. Therefore, all it takes is a PC terrorist or Marxist to dig up that info to sham a person.

The “mostly peaceful protests” of 2020 make up the cancel culture on steroids. The terror mobs display a religious ecstasy as they demolish historic statues on public property. It is all about canceling history. Lenin would be proud.

Careful cyber friends. When people voice or post something considered anti-PCR, lookout. They get doxed whereby an online vigilante will research and post confidential information. There are instances where the vigilante posted the wrong person’s information. Also, consider the vile outcomes from misrepresented content.

With so much zeal on using the long past to cancel, an item needs attention. The cancel culture needs to do their thing against the political party that one-time promoted slavery. Any guesses which party?

Churches Charred 

A series of arson and vandalism attacks have occurred at Catholic Churches, and others, across North America. The mainstream media’s failure to report the attacks proves a double standard of newsworthiness when intolerance targets Christians. Friends this is getting serious. Remember, Marxism hates religion. As reference:

“This map (click here) tracks incidents of attacks on Catholic statues, parishes, and persons in North America in 2020. Thanks to your help, we have recorded over 50 incidents thus far this year. Click on one of the icons on the map to see the details for each incident.”

We all know about hate crime statutes. The mainstream goes into warp drive when other than Christian worship centers suffer an attack. Did the mainstem call for hate crimes investigation for any of the 50 “mostly peaceful protests?” Too often we become complacent as we hear about these incidents but not affected directly. I personally know a parishioner of one the church attacked. This church suffered a fire during the attack.

Covid Case Craziness 

Enter the hospital for a knee replacement you will meet the COVID police. You will be subject to COVID testing. Even with no symptoms, for a positive result the hospital will tag you a COVID-1984 patient case. Is there an incentive? You bet. There are plenty of reliable reports pointing to government monetary incentive – hospital grant money for cases. I despise that “c” word these days. No wonder the scary case craze and never-ending health fear porn abounds – rising cases. Meanwhile, the total number of COVD deaths projected on the boob tube is the aggregate of those who “died of” and “died with.” The bigger number gets the news headline (money).

Covid is not a hoax. However, it is the prime example of the Hegelian dialectic. The thesis = it is a hoax. The antithesis = we are all going to die. The synthesis = the perfect tool for the COVID 19 New World Order.

For those who still think for themselves under this the new normal, the word vaccine triggers a response. We hear about “operation warp speed,” see the global vaccine czar Bil Gates tout immunization for the world population, and enlightening beams of Dr. Fauchi pouring out of the TV with his positive vaccine pitch. The Covid-1984 RNA vaccine under development is a completely new type of therapy never used on humans. It takes many years to develop and test a vaccine, so no wonder the concerns. I sure cogitate why the mainstream will not call this vaccine controversial. That is a huge matzo ball.

Maybe we will get lucky; the experts will find out the vaccine will be not so critical like the ventilators manufactured (e.g. Ford Motor Company) never used. Maybe it will simply be the realization of herd immunity or a discovery of a simple therapy already on hand. It is incomprehensible with all the political intrigue surrounding Covid therapies, but money explains that part of the story.

It is increasingly clear that the pandemic new normal procedures are causing more harm than the disease itself. While easy to partake in Monday morning quarterbacking, IMHO every occupation that puts food on the table is a critical job. Masks (another Hegelian dialectic), social distance, hand washing, no shutdowns, and quarantine the vulnerable would have made sense. But no, we all suffer.

Seems the newscast a death sentence spell on anybody who gets Covid! Get ready for a CovidPass app on your phones. Submit a blood sample to get your digital certification to travel, go to sports events, etc. I loathe the new normal.

Demonic Distress

Look at the faces and listen to the hellish sound coming out of the protesters. It is clear a lot of people suffer from possession. It is more than coincidence; years of sexual sins and abortion coincide with the now acidic society. One plausible explanation; each abortion releases a demon. People screaming “racist!” at non-racists is a demonic form of insanity. Such an exchange without evidence and without honest discussion is a form of demonic disorientation.

A lot of people use the F word in everyday conversation and it repulsive at worst and irritating at best. The constant use of this word as a simple sound is an uncontrollable speech tic. We expect this from the possessed flock, and it is time for the unpossessed to get rid of this uncontrollable tic.

Hyper Hypocrisy 

We know intuitively that schools and academia have conditioned students to be Marxists. Reports show many of the “mostly peaceful protesters” are schoolteachers. Quite the thing in hypocrisy studies. Well-paid teaches and professors push the Marxist equality plan. Under their communism, we will all be equal in the true sense of equally miserable. But like Animal Farm, we must look the other way as our leaders will remain comfortable.

The multitudes just love professional sports players. Once upon of time, it was quite a spectacle to see the PC crowd attend sports events. They do not like rich people. Never mind the players, who also promote the Marxist narrative, get obscene amounts of money to entertain the masses. In the new normal these paragons of virtue play their games in empty stadiums. If not for the average person who works in this business such as vendors, security, and the like it would be nice to see professional sports simply go away.

Mostly Peaceful Protests

The mainstream news has an agenda and for a critical thinker it is clear, a narrative abounds. The programing overlords edit the terribly bad scenes and call the issue “mostly peaceful protests.” The alternate media paints a much darker picture; rioting, looting, burning, and vandalism. The visible tactics and the slogans of the “mostly peaceful protests” supply a terrifying insight to their ideology – Marxism. The good people need to hear this, it is the core of the narrative. This information is critical, and dissemination will never happen in the mainstream. Rest assured any attempt at presenting this critical fact will ignite the mainstream smear machine: just yell racist!

Yes, peaceful protesting is a right. However, a protest marching and chanting in a store or restaurant disrupting peaceful activities, banging on a residence door, or shining laser in the yes of people is anything but peaceful. This mob crowd had the gall to enter a church to do the same thing. There is plenty of this occurring but not reported in the mainstream.

People that have lost their businesses and or livelihood due to the “mostly peaceful protests” sure have a front-line perspective. Has there been any investigative reporting about the plight of these people? Crickets.

Safety and Security Squelched

We all know Antifa is real and an evil menace. Long before the 2020 New Normal, the alternate media documented the evil of this “organization.” This evil has conducted violence in many large cities. It combined with Marxists during virulent riots and vandalism. In Portland, WA this hell mix continued with the violence for wo months (and counting as of this writing). One side of Congress refuses to admit there is terror unfolding before our eyes. One congressman (initials J.N.) contends that Antifa is a myth (not).

When citizens step up to defend themselves from this evil, the mainstream turns to the narrative. They will smear the defenders as violent, right-wing Nazi, etc.  The mob even had the criminal justice system on their side. In one case, a couple defending their home and lives from a mob (not a shot fired), faced weapons violations. Luckily, this couple had their charges dismissed. Meanwhile, in several cities, the mob get their charges dropped for their actual crimes.

Defend the police mantra is the ultimate insult. It is a betrayal by the local lawmakers who are working to remove the safety net from society. It is unthinkable that to support the local police can be dangerous. It is quite the thing to hear a news report where the mob calls the police when they need help. Rest assured the Marxist “law” makers pushing this demonic program will have their own security force.

So, what replaces the Police? In one example, the Seattle City Council is moving to abolish the entire Seattle Police Department and replace it with a “civilian-led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention.” This plan demands that the City transfer underutilized public land for community ownership. This is the redistribution of land, a Marxist program. This is what we get for a couple bad cops out of millions.

The Recap

This writer will avoid political endorsements. For the Anti-Orange Man types, I can understand the reason for the hatred. When a certain president was in office decades ago, I had disdain for the man (for distinct reasons). A good friend who was a senior to me expressed concern that I have become my adversary.  He also said, “there is a bigger picture, and Mr. S you need to grow up.” I have since learned it is all an illusion, hoodwinked we are to think there is an enormous difference between the parties. We do not even pick the candidates. This election, to place the Orange man’s flag on a pole invites vandalism or worse. Sad, we have become a third world nation.

Despite all the rancor and violence, we are all part of the human race. There are only two types of people in IMHO. Nice and not so nice. Heaven please help us we do not get to the point equivalent to the spark of the Spanish Civil War.

Congratulations go to those who read this document and are nowhere. A gold star for good liberals! Marxists are another story.

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