Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Keep America America

Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (substack.com)

This treatise is an open letter to leftists and contains some tough love for the other side.

In the year 2020 we suffered, complained, and fought. A virus of questionable origin found its way through the world to the delight of many in power. The best reporting in the midst of all this—CNN Trumpets Greta Thunberg as Coronavirus Expert. More breaking news, Trump not conceding so time to ramp up Covid big time.

The CCP virus fits famously into the Hegelian Dialectic. On one side are those who fear we all will die (thesis). On the other side are those who believe it is a total hoax (anthesis). The middle is the solution (synthesis) and that is the worst. This is where the luminaries gain more control.

The mainstream demonized those who wished for a restoration of our revoked constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. Meanwhile, people who have a squeaky wheel get well-lubricated showers of delight with praises of “mostly peaceful protests.” The reality — terrorizing innocent bystanders.

Racial issues supplied the fuel to radicalize many a person to engage in the same activity they complain about. Just ask a patron in a restaurant where the mob ransacked the place. Or how about when Senator Rand Paul and his wife almost faced doom at the hands of the mob. These insurrectionists are all around us. For sure the leftists form these mobs. Lest we forget, Antifa is a nothing according to the maybe-next-president. Remember, he said it is “An Idea, Not An Organization.” This author grows very weary of the lie that only the “right is violent.”

Many a media and their comrades holding office latch on to the defund the police mantra. With incomprehensible disorientation, we get glimpses of the very people who call for defunding but call police for help. Of course, the intellectual giant with pea brain leaders (sic) that call for defunding will have at their disposal a security squad armed with loaded weapons.

For the Trump haters, it is a comprehensible mental state for obvious reasons. For a man who does not have the polish of a political leader, the enemy of the state had found its perfect tool of deception. We see nonstop hate and Marxist ideals stoked by the media, schools, entertainment, and sports. The quintessential example — academia! This collectivist cauldron supplies the mental mind control to stop the effort to keep America America.

Digging deep, we see it is all about world control, this is a fact. A hope-to-be Biden Administration luminaire called for a four to six-week national shutdown. In reality, this is a part of the Great Reset. The luminaries see this perfect storm to make you and I bicker. Few can see beyond the true state of affairs. From a National debt of 21 trillion-plus and counting, be ready for total control and few freedoms. Indeed, this Great Reset is quite a brilliant plan to usher in the New World disOrder.

For those who despise these words, be careful what you wish. True freedom, not the French Revolution-style liberty is the path for a bright future. Please remember the luminaries want you and me to fight, it is their path of control. Many “good things” have stone pavers that lead to a freedom-less world. Socialism works until it runs out of everybody’s money. Let us not forget the phony lower-case Republican leaders have sure been at the same pig’s trough making money out of nothing. The collectivist cauldron and other leaders will not advertise this fact as that will surely cause the total crash and hyperinflation. It is not a matter may be; we will become the new Venezuela. Keynesian Economics on steroids. Right out of the Reds playbook: The end justifies means.

Many an issue will sound good like a clean environment, equality, and a living wage. Beware, these good sounding mantras have sinister forces behind the curtain. Many a scare tactic instilled lasting fear on the population. Rest assured the “big business kill mantra” is a fiction. The year 2020 is the time where these big businesses get a reprieve. Why? Their new showering of money to certain social justice causes (communism) supplies cover and protection from the mobs.

The leftist specter of big business invokes visions of deadly pollution. However, rest assured many of the leviathan companies who provided the boogeyman for the environmentally connected types will now get the reward of making money for the cleanup, the Green New Deal (green on the outside and red on the inside). This time, however, these mega corporations will make a big buck using everybody’s money. It is already occurring whereby public-private partnerships consume tax dollars and fiat money. Read all about it in The Creature From Jekyll Island and get to know about the real cause of inflation. A separation of business and government is in order.

Donald Trump can only blame himself for not getting a landslide in the reelection. Nevertheless, given all the shady issues, like six battleground states with Democrat governors who all paused counting on election night, he had that “disadvantage” to overcome. The Trump Tweets and caustic behavior pushed a lot of votes to the socialist side. I write this without hesitation and no reservation. Lest we forget, Hillary told Joe never to concede. So now it is time for the Marxists to claim fake news, fake news. The video from the Detroit ballot counting center must be an elaborate hoax with a bunch of actors making a fictional scene.

The Democratic Party, with a few exceptions, is home to an outright communist leaning membership. The Republican Party has its problems too, but it is the lesser of two evils. It is a shame there is not a good and vibrant third party or a lot of true American independents running for offices.

While pinching my nose and voting for Trump, one thing gave me the incentive of such a choice. It is clear that he does not like globalism, also known as the New World Order. He had incredible energy to fight this truly evil virus. The Marxists say America First is xenophobia rot (it is not).

The left hates those of us who like Trump’s pro-life stance. Some say he really is not pro-life but used the cause for his political gain. Regardless, it is with no reservation this author is guilty as charged. I do not want my tax dollar to go to abortion. The woman’s health mantra is a big lie.

So, my liberal and middle of the road friends who voted for socialism — you will be sorry for the choice. Perhaps you will enjoy being equally miserable like the rest of us. And oh, your leaders will remain in their mansions protected by their armed guards. Oh, I get it, when your socialist utopia fails it will be Trump’s fault.

The notion that Sweden is the example of a good socialist country to promote your collectivism is a red herring. In fact, Capitalism Saved Sweden. To reduce the drain on their coffers, in recent years the Swedes had to switch government programs to the private sector. Meanwhile, the movers and shakers of the CCP who make fortunes on pseudo capitalism, subject their population to endless propaganda and force many into slave-like labor camps. The Chinese regime’s reality of organ harvesting is an atrocity that cries out for vengeance. The evil communists have many financial stakes in business here in the USA with the NBA as their poster child. It would be grand to see George Soros to go after the CCP and leave the USA alone.

Is there any compromise or common ground in all this? Unlikely. Those on the left are now gloating. You cherish the thought that Trump supporters face tagging, dissing, canceling and doxing. All this just like the tactics detailed in The Black Book of Communism. You are the new McCarthy Party. Some compassion.

A little lesson from the time of the Clinton presidency is in order. This writer truly hated Bill and it was ugly. In time the obsession manifested itself to a point where one becomes what they hate. Once a person told me to grow up, I then realized it is much bigger than Clinton. Indeed, it is. It is all about power and control. It is the same with the never Trumpers.

So as a final effort, for the Trump haters - will you show the “compassion” your side promotes? Will you embrace the free speech you and your leaders tout about? Doubtful.

Rest assured the Marxist insurrection will continue. The riots will now show as news rather than distorted. The left will simply blame the right-wing even with Trump (possibly out of office) as the cause. Places like Portland and Seattle get what they wish for voting in the insurrectionist sympathizers. Celebrate communism with a skirt displaying Lennon, Mao, et al. The nurse ratchet media scant coverage will tag this as right-wing instigated violence. The CCP is happy as they will have the Bidens and Harris in their back pocket. According to Gen. Robert Spalding:

“[The] Chinese Communist Party is working on very closely with our own corporate sector, our own academia, and our all own political institutions— to essentially promote things like critical race theory, things like applied postmodernism, things like social justice, that really have less to do with equality under the law, and more to do with a very particular form of racism. This feeds right into what the Chinese Communist Party wants to do.

For the people who voted for Trump, thank you for seeing past the mind-numbing hate that the compassionate crowd projected. The good Lord allowed this election outcome for reasons we do not understand. It is refreshing to know that half the voters see through the mainstream. Controlled-opposition, Fox included. As a recommendation, here is an independent perspective from across the pond — pundit Paul Weston states that “This Coup D'Etat Could Lead to U.S. Civil War.”

In defense of the Trumpers, it is utterly amazing to read and hear about copious instances of voter fraud and irregularities. Comrades, on the other hand, be happy, the Washington comPost dispels it all! Given the mainstream's stellar reporting of the left-wing riots, burning, looting, and murder, we can take the comPost’s reporting to the bank. Just ask the small businesses who lost their property and employees no longer working because of the fiery but mostly peaceful protests, I’m sure they will agree (not). Meanwhile, the nurse ratchets mainstream blabbers on about no evidence. Just like 2020 left-wing riots and mob violence: “we know nothing.” It is all about the right-wing causing the left-wing to riot. What a bunch of bubbles and soap (B and S).

We citizens at one time worked together by sharing common culture and history. Leftists, Maoists, socialists, progressives, alt-liberals, programmed liberals, Leninists, neo-cons, et al make up a witch’s brew. This caldron spent years tearing away our common heritage. They declared American philosophy racist and rewrote the history books into a catalog of brutalities. In 2020, they have decided that you and I (of the same physical and philosophical make-up) are automatically a bigot simply for a skin pigment. Inclusive is it not! It certainly is a mystery how the cauldron’s luminaries born with this particular pigment fit into their own philosophy. Ah ha, sports fans, just remembered, they are Woke! And for the encore to warm your heart — Oregon Strippers to Receive Federal Coronavirus Aid.

It is time to make yourself a pain in the rear to your local, state, and federal politicians. Write letters of concern about issues that matter. Be factual, professional, and non-threatening. My first letter will be to my state representative asking him to draft legislation to enact electronic voting. It mystifies me how we can do secure online banking but continue to use paper for voting! No more hanging chads, sharpies, dead person votes, and dumped ballots.