Monday, December 7, 2020

Totalitarian Tolerance and Demented Diversity

Frederick R Smith has moved to Frederick R. Smith Speaks (

A lineage of kings, saints, and heroes is ignored by its heirs, who stoop to boasting about their ancestors who were criminals, usurpers, and seditious traitors: never has falsification reached the point of such incomprehensible perversion, and it is evident that the desire to artificially create such ancestry is the necessary premise for the barbarization of the offspring, which is now practically accomplished.” -- +Carlo Maria Viganò

Your author snapped the photo at the top of this blog in November 2020. This scene at an international airport terminal illustrates a laughable but tyrannical reality. The young lady wearing this overcoat with the inane script has no worries. She has the Politically Correct Mobocracy (PCM) on her side. She can tout her right and freedom to display this “diverse” [??] message. Meanwhile, sweep aside how much an embarrassment this would cause for parents. Think about when their young child asks for an explanation. This author, when showing the photos to select adults, sees the deer in a headlight look. Then they ask me for an explanation!

Given the tolerance that the diversity crowd pretends to invoke, it should be a non-issue to accept alternative views. The young lady can virtue signal using a vile curse word with no remorse. But we know better, giving an alternate view ignites the PCM flame thrower. Many, like the young lady, use the tic-like F-word without thought and void of any contextual meaning. A bar of soap is a suitable remedy. Those with an uncontrollable F-word tick, please consider not acting like a leftist Pavlov's Dog.

Meanwhile, this author proposes to have an overcoat embroidered with “Heterosexual Pride.” Sad to say, having proposed such a slogan in the past, the reaction is “you cannot do that.” The typical Pavlov Dog explanation – this proposed slogan is homophobic. But those with critical thinking skills know these alternate lifestyle slogans are hetero-phobic! In a daunting display of non-logic thought, the PCM considers my slogan hateful and offensive. It is an assault against the tolerant inclined people. The diversity and tolerance broadcast by the PCM pertain to their leftist ideology exclusively. Nobody else needs to apply. The pinnacle of hypocrisy. If you think this is nonsense and not a problem, then think Norway. There, make ‘hateful comments about transgender people, when in private, and spend up to a year in prison. Prediction - coming soon to the USSA.

As a disclaimer, this author has no animosity toward any individual who may be a member of the growing cadre of other than heterosexual orientated peoples. This includes their otherwise straight (uh oh, hate the word?) sympathizers. Forgive them for they know not what they do. In fact, I would be happy to stand side by side with a person holding a “gay pride” sign – if that person gives me the same right. As we know this is an impossibility, because of the anti-diversity of the PCM. Free speech is only applicable to those who hold a woke consciousness.

So, do all those people who flaunt their woke slogans really believe this crapola? They are pawns of the Malthusian [1] evil elite (more on that later). Or might they be looking for some special recognition? Citizens of the world look at me, I am so special (gag me with a spoon). Here is a nifty example. As a biological senior citizen, my outlook is that of a 20-year-old. So, I take offense to anybody that may call me an “old man.” I hereby declare age fluidity. Hate speech, hate speech! People with gender proclivities have the protection of hate speech laws. As such, I demand that our leaders [??] craft hate speech laws to protect those of us proclaiming age fluidity. Hetero-phobic activities need punishment too — after all, we are all equal under the law (not).

The PCM broadcast the drumbeat about tolerance and diversity by gaslighting a never-ending narrative. The gassing organs include: “As Seen on TV,” schoolsacademia, many religious institutions, media, medical, science, legal profession, government, non-governmental organizations, philosophy, businesses, and the military. Did we miss any? Thus, the logical conclusion; every element of society has a mental infection diabolic in nature.

An example of a non-infected organization is a good college absent Kool-Aid in the kitchen. Rejoice, PCM! Rejoice! This will be under the final assault under the upcoming (maybe?) Biden regime. These higher institutions refusing to bow to the PCM Philosophy shall face punishment. Take away their accreditation!

Academia, the quintessential example, deserves special mention. This PCM organ is the height of hypocrisy. Unrelenting advertisement of tolerance and diversity. They pontificate about the need to include diverse elements in their educational programs. The mantras include a diversity of thought, races, sexual orientation, nationality, morality, economics, and religions [??]. Academia, the pinnacle of peace.

As we know, freedom of thought means the promotion of liberal (Communist) ideals. Firsthand experience seeing a young lady post-graduate programmed to Marxist ideals is a frightening ordeal. Many sources document the profound one-sided worldview of Academia's Marxism. These paragons of diverse thought squelch anything traditional or conservative. From dis-inviting conservative speakers, protests, or shouting down speakers. The very height of hypocrisy. They claim diversity of thought while ensuring only one philosophy — progressive. Any person with an ounce of thought contrary to the PCM mental therapy gets a virtual target on their back. The incoming rounds include engraved shells. The engravers use homophobic, racist, gender fluidity phobic, environment polluter, xenophobe, etc.

Of course, the PCM wants to make us all equal. For example, they claim nobility to lock down the entire nation to save one person (and kill the unborn at the same time). We all shall be miserable just like a socialist Utopia. Honorable mention goes to the elite like our leaders [??], professional sports players, left mob protesters (this includes rent a mob), and media mental giants with a pea brain (dopes). These woke folk continues along unfettered. Just like Orwell’s’ Animal Farm, all animals are equal, but others are more equal.

Now a bold statement that will make the PCM go into orbit. I hereby claim the above useful idiots are puppets under the Malthusian evil elite masters. A Malthusian thread spans through all the PC-Woke philosophy [??] – population reduction! This people reducer strand is a seamless garment woven through the following PC Centric pogroms or sacraments:

  • Abortion, an obvious human eliminator. No discussion, no compromise by the PCM.
  • Environment, really? The earth shall experience a renewal where few humans remain in accordance with the Georgia Guidestones. Make global warming (oops climate change) a never-ending calamity so all the useless eaters will bow to the god of Gia. The sheepeople already folded like a tent giving up freedoms to travel, reduced food consumption, and end the use of fossil fuel consumption. We also forget that carbon-based resources are a critical ingredient in medicine manufacturing, heating/cooling homes, and crafting plastics into lifesaving medical devices. The renewal energy mantra (aka Green New Deal) will not deliver but introduce new environmental problems down the road. Ask Greta Thunberg, she can enlighten you further.
  • COVID [2] is a tool to affect the population by use of excessive “heath” measures that make people even sicker. What else can supply a suitable explanation for the LA Mayor’s order prohibiting walking? The CCP virus and its resulting Corona Virus Disease (Covid) is a brilliant crisis to use and tear down the economy of the entire world and usher in the Great Reset (aka New World disOrder). And while we are at it, the leaders [??] imposing draconian and sometimes unnecessary orders, as well as their puppet cheerleaders, should not have food delivered to their doorsteps. They need to protect the delivery workers from CCP Virus exposure. But we know, it is all about control and population reduction.
  • Socialism (Communism lite) sounds wonderful to the brainwashed masses. It has an advertised goal of wealth equality for all! The evil Malthusian elitists penned an articulate nexus to bury the dreadful history of socialism and Communism with a veneer of utopia. Fits the agenda to reduce the population under Communism.
  • Gender whatever. Programing humans to reject heterosexual relationships is an ideal way to reduce the population. Same-gender copulation offers zero offspring. Oh right, there is an exception. Science has a way to make same-gender couples procreate. Just wonderful.

There you have it sports fans. Just a partial list of the PCM rituals. Amazing what just one photo does to stir the brain. Frankly, for many a sleep time, a nightmare painted the prospect of living in post-USA. Waking up today one realizes a nightmare no more. Previously my dear home USA presented the gift of work and security. That allowed me to contribute to society for half a century. It is with deep sorrow to say the perfect storm is upon us. Behold the reality of the Twilight Zone before us today — the PCM declares you to be an Obsolete Man [3]. No matter what I say, something evil [4] has indeed invaded our nation. Behold, America’s Critical Point in Time.

True diversity and tolerance are the foundational elements of a flourishing society. The PCM really has nothing to do with that. I have written about it many times, beware of  The Creature From Jekyll Island (fiat money) caused by the PCM philosophy (and Neo-cons). All the things that the young lady [5] in the photo with the overcoat likely desires will cost a lot of money that does not exist. Creating this ghost currency to fill the void will result in hyperinflation.


  1. Definition of Malthusian: of or relating to Malthus or to his theory that population tends to increase at a faster rate than its means of subsistence and that unless it is checked by moral restraint or disaster (such as disease, famine, or war) widespread poverty and degradation inevitably result.
  2. Covid is not a hoax. However, it is the prime example of the Hegelian Dialectic. The thesis = it is a hoax. The antithesis = we are all going to die. The synthesis = the perfect tool to usher in the New World disOrder. It is another virus added to the mix and yes Virginia, we have a sensible and compassionate anti-COVID strategy
  3. The inquisitor from Obsolete Man (left), broadcast date June 2, 1961, vs. 2020 (right). The similar podiums are a hoot.
  4. For the woke reader it is all about that evil man Donald J. Trump. Be careful what you wish for, the replacement is worse, much worse. Beware, the Cultural Revolution. You say the 2020 election was fair and all the junk about election fraud is fake news. Yet, the same media that relentlessly pushed the Russian narrative now has a case of amnesia. Voter fraud 2020: Here’s the proof. If not convinced, perhaps the infographic “What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night” might be the ticket. If still blinded by CNN, try this: Video Shows Chinese Professor Talking About American “Elite” Traitors Who Work for Beijing
  5. Maybe I am confused.

Author and Publisher, Frederick R. Smith
Editor, Sean Tinney 

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