Sunday, July 25, 2021

Madness Made to Order - Part Five

Madness Made to Order - Part Five

This six-part essay covers a lot of subjects and associated controversial topics. Readers may find some passages to be hyperbole or simple-minded sophistry. Nevertheless, it is an act of love to the good side of humanity in general and the people of America in particular. Tough love. Apologies offered for the sometimes colorful language.

As an historical and contemporary treatise, the overarching goal is an attempt to explain the reasons behind the current rapid fall of humankind. The cause in summary: a “Satan Bug” mental infestation of people around the world. Hopefully, through a combination of historical analysis, recapping of events, and analysis readers will have a mental realization. The late great positive Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) is the inspiration behind these words. The Gandhi Antidote: imperceptible and peaceful means together in a communal setting to produce strength in numbers to end the Satan Bug.

Part One, Mental Blindness, explores the cognitive mental disorientation foisted upon the common people. As a tour beyond the basic “money and power” explanation, a pattern of exploitation and made-to-order conflict appears. 

Part Two, The Philosophical Lineage, is a historical review focused on the “Age of Enlightenment.” While this intellectual movement spawned the modern age with many positive outcomes, we can see a pattern of the negatives that coalesced into the collective nexus.

Part Three, The March Past Marx and Beyond, supplies a clear view of Marxism and how that collectivist mindset marches on today despite the trumpeting of “democracy.”

Part Four, Dumbocracy, shows us that democracy evolved not to free “the people” from slavery or oppression, but to strengthen the control of free people over unfree people.

Part Five, Rampant Infection Throughout the Organs of Society, is an eye-opening treatise about the menace lurking throughout the world.

For those who would prefer to watch or listen to a top-shelf exposé that mirrors much of the content of this essay, check out Victor Davis Hanson on the Assault on Meritocracy, Politicization of the Virus, and the Platonic Noble Lie. Another gem is Dear Black People: Jason Whitlock Explains the Marxist Agenda Behind Race Controversies.

Rampant Infection Throughout the Organs of Society

“Innocence is like a dumb leper who has lost his bell, wandering the world, meaning no harm” - Graham Greene

Before President Trump left office, to counteract the vile 1619 Project ideology, he signed an executive order to create President’s Advisory 1776 Commission. A group of highly respected scholars developed a 40-page document. The Commission members published their report two days before Joe Biden terminated this project. In his inaugural address, he said “…we need true history, not lies told for power and profit.” Copious Neo-Marxist Pavlov’s Dogs influencers vomit projected this canard. And behold, here is a transracial example: African Americans Ben Carson and Carol Swain were members of the Commission. Nevertheless, because Trump started the Commission, it was automatically dialed up as a white racist parchment (in the pea brains of the intellectual giants). No avoiding it, even a large comet striking earth would be Trump’s fault (wink, wink).

In an opinion piece published by NBC News titled “Trump's '1776 Commission' tried to rewrite U.S. history,” the author writes:

“President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris made history… They … took remarkably swift steps to reject a dangerous alternative history. The ‘1776 Report’ — a hastily developed account of the nation's founding…”

The above statement is like the kettle calling the pot black. What a laugh, alternative history! More projection. Regardless, the 1776 Commission report is an effort that supplies a framework on how to detail our history honestly. As your author has already written in Part Three, from his perspective, the Commission report also does not ignore our blemishes and uses them to learn lessons while also fostering the core good elements that made the USA the greatest nation that ever existed. It is easy to find faults in any endeavor, we are imperfect beings. It is easy to tear down as the collectivist gleefully go about their destruction of civilized society. It is much harder to build which seems to elude our collectivist friends. In a word, lazy.

The revulsion concerning the 1776 Commission is a microcosm of the hate America psychosis. Going back at least a couple of generations, it has intensified in recent years. Especially today, thanks to the vomit spewing mainstream media and mind-grinding (mis)educational system. Showing praise to America can get you tagged as xenophobic, racist, killer capitalist, etc. Especially today, thanks to the puke-throwing mainstream media. And oh, lest we forget, Nationalist, as in National Socialism (Nazi). The hyper increase of these Marxist ploy narratives effectively divides the country.

The “reframing of history” such as Zinn’s and Hannah-Jones’ writings must get our attention. If not, we will continue down our current fall off the cliff edge with the final impact soon to occur at the bottom of the pit. Our reaction can only be peaceful, as this is the way practiced by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Even for extraordinarily little instances of disobedience the monster mad machine has the upper hand since every element of society has the Marxist nexus infection. As we shall soon see, even the military is full of debased woke folk of all stripes.

With some clear logic and thinking, it is easy to visualize the “breaking news” clips of our age as tools that the overlords use to intentionally kill our beloved nation. Climate change (green outside/red inside), inflation (fiat money), undocumented visitors/migrants/asylum seekers (invasion), neutering of families (heterophobia), gender confusion (population reduction), defund the police (anarchy), energy (no longer) independence, white supremacy overarching threat (bubbles soap), virus threats (more population reduction), and identity politics (vile virtue signaling) — to name a few — do an outstanding job to take your eyes off the ball.

Fred Blog readers already know about your author’s unrelenting harping about the subject of fiat money. The real number one threat is the issuance of unfettered fiat money by the government and by financial institutions through “fractional banking.” Inflation is the result of the creation of this money out of thin air (fiat currency). Excessive government intervention in the economy by executive orders, inordinate regulations, crummy laws, high taxes, edicts, and fake news propping up government all make it worse. Crony capitalism is a driver too. Anything else you hear about is pure bubbles-soap (BS). See Frederick R. Smith, Creature From Jekyll Island, July 17, 2020.  

The above paragraph will set off alarms in the psyche of the programmed robot minds. Therefore, rest assured, the mad machine will treat this Frederick R. Smith Speaks blog as a nasty “manifesto” of a deranged antigovernmental right-wing wacko. And oh, in the mind of pea brain intellectual giants, he must have written this from a Waco-like “compound” (another collectivist dog-whistle word). Breaking news — Fred is not an antigovernment anarchist; he (uh-oh, a hate word) is a limited government proponent under the original intent of the Constitution (oh no, another hate word). Furthermore, he is not a member of a cult but the overlords and programmed useful robots have a problem with this essay. Why? They are part of a collectivist cult. With the robot masses under a programming loop to regurgitate nonstop Marxist vomit, the Constitution is racist in their central processing unit (CPU). As such they have the supreme weapon to “get Fred.” The ultimate “trick bag.”

From our beginnings, we know the statement “All men are created equal.” We know “men” includes men and women (as a factoid for the post-modern others). Yes, Fred wrote that and welcomes “the others” too! Let us say no to all the pandering. And let us say no to the nasty New Normal. Let us apply the brakes to this alphabet nonsense such as the latest fad of doxing heterosexuals for saying they will only date a heterosexual (i.e., the derogative term super straight). How about adding “H” to the mix (i.e., HLGBTQ) to just stop this insanity. The mad machine projects this sexual dystopia in a never-ending projection that subjects “the others” to authoritarian treatment. Could we “super straight” join the group, since we are all American? If not, then we will continue down the path of a Balkanized society.

Your author does not ruminate over a person’s gender or sex matters. He has several friends and associates with other preferences, and they are great people and do not subscribe to the “pride” thing. The pandering and constant shoving sodomy down the throat of society by the monster mad machine is the new doublethink of Nineteen Eighty-Four. Also, your author, as an early teen, faced a young adult homosexual predator that tried to “get Fred.” Instinct kicked in with self-defense making the deranged person scurry away. Does that make Fred think all people of this persuasion are abusers? Of course not. Just like not all men are rapists.

Meanwhile, as reported on July 8, 2021, the “The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus” consisting of 72 men ensemble projected the music video “A Message from the Gay Community.” In the video, the group sings:

We’ll convert your children — happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it… We’ll convert your children: we’ll make them tolerant and fair.

We’ll convert your children — Yes we will! — reaching one and all, there’s really no escaping it, cause even grandma likes RuPaul. We’ll convert your children: someone’s gotta teach them not to hate!

We’re coming for them, we’re coming for your children! We’re coming for them, we’re coming for them, WE’RE COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN!!!

Your children will care about fairness and justice for others! Your children will work to convert all their sisters and brothers! Then soon we’re almost certain, your kids will start converting you! The gay agenda is coming home

What a twisted display of projection and cover: “…someone’s gotta teach them not to hate — not to hate!” Pristine projection! These people are heterosexual-phobic. Meanwhile, a concerned citizen reports that some of the participants are registered sex offenders. Due to the outrage (they call it hate), the gay club pulled the video, but a brave Tweeter saved a copy - see it for yourself. Will Fred face homophobic allegations for writing about these facts? Of course, he will.

It is quite the thing to hear the gender-fluid and pseudo-heterosexual cohorts say to Fred “how dare you push your morals.” As we know, the monster mad machine says it is dandy to shove their alternate lifestyle (im)morals down my throat. More projection. Regardless, all people should be treated as humans, and we all have the right of association. Specifically, a person may decide not to associate with Fred for whatever reason. If a person of a certain proclivity wishes to only associate with a group such as The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, go for it. Likewise, Fred should have the freedom to join a fictional Fraternal Order of Straight Men. Many gay people find that all this leftist/Marxist march has gone too far. Self-proclaimed gay author Douglas Murray would agree as detailed in his wonderful book Madness of Crowds (Gender, Race, and Identity). It is an insightful book and a highly recommended read. But, of course, the mad monster mad machine just ignores Douglas Murray. So far, he has immunity from the Satan Bug.

The right of association should also apply to businesses, within reason. For example, the mad monster mad machine will have no problem with a business that declines to make a KKK flag. On the other hand, a baker that declines to make a gay wedding cake faces the Caustic Cancel Culture Pogrom. Would a gay baker that only makes gay wedding cakes face canceling if they refused to make a heterosexual wedding cake? Of course not. How about some equity from the equity mobocracy?

In the spirit of compromise, your author can live with civil unions (or face canceling if not — some freedom). As part of this bargain, how about recognizing the right of my church to only recognize and perform a traditional marriage? By the same token, would it be acceptable for Fred to proclaim the efficacy of a marriage between a man and a woman concerning offspring? Of course, not, that is an offense to the god of political correctness. No free speech for Fred. No soup for you.

For another compromise item, how about abortion. Since many know instinctively that life begins at conception they must be force-fed the line about women’s health (née reproductive rights, née abortion). Should it be about the majority (democracy) that believe abortion is wrong? What a laugh. One would think the “women’s reproductive right” fanatics would have a modicum of respect for opposing views. So, in line with compromise how about: 1) no public money for abortions, 2) allowing a pharmacist the right to not dispense abortifacients or contraceptives, and 3) not forcing religious or other organizations to take part in abortion through insurance premiums. As usual, it is all about the money. Does the fact that the medical community at large offers abortion and unfettered sex change incline Fred to hate all medical professionals? Of course not.

Many people perish each year due to medical mistakes and malpractice. Furthermore, the pharmaceutical companies have made some bad mistakes and even covered up nasty things. Do such things make Fred hate all doctors and pharmacists? Of course not.

Every person is equal under God and should get the same treatment before the law. Equal is an important term that we hear about under the euphemism equity. Regardless of creed, race, gender, or religion, the ideal is the fact that we are equally human. To be honest, of course, we must realize the earlier plight of slaves, native Americans, and women. Such a failure does not make our positive ideals a false notion. Unfortunately, the collectivist mantra is government bestowed rights. This is exactly why collectivists loathe our founding. The sin of slavery is just one of many arrows in the quiver of the collectivist march to the serfdom/technocracy/Marxism cauldron.

Of course, in America, there were slaves (primarily in the south). Nevertheless, the founding equality creed, in the true good sense, was and is an ideal worth promoting. It grew, then blossomed with the freeing of the slaves, equal suffrage, and the Civil Rights Act. But now more of these “Acts” serve as mammary glands for the lousy among the lawyers to suck up the never-ending pile of fiat cash.

A key point missed in the twisted collectivist form of equity is the indisputable fact that each person has unique talents and endowments. We also know, from more sane times, that women outperformed men doing certain tasks and vice versa. Those who have a keen visual intellect tend to be the best portrait painters. People with an analytical mind typically have superb math skills to give us wonders such as airliners. Thus, once again it is time to invoke the inspiring words of the late great Dr. Martin Luther King. He described the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as “… promissory notes to which every American was to fall heir.”

Your author’s doctor makes a lot more money compared to this paltry writer (income inequality). Our lives have outcome inequalities due to an imbalance of effort. Our choice. The good doctor attended medical college and devoted his young adulthood to medical school and residency lasting up to ten years. His choice. Fred chose another avenue (his choice). Our selections (a positive) suppled different outcomes (a positive). Does this mean the good doctor cheated the system and should pay more “taxes” to the god of “fair share?” In stark contrast to the collective view, we are both free people in a free society where free choices lead to different outcomes (a positive). “Leveling the playing field,” which is a euphemism for lowering the standards, ends the incentive to excellence (a negative). Should we lower the standards for airline pilots?

Meanwhile, the god of equality has no problem with the majority cultural makeup of basketball players. Nor does your author. The folks in question within this sports field have a certain talent.  Specifically, a tall stature for genetic reasons (positive) and great cultural affinity for a particular sport (positive).

Given the collectivist penchant for group identity, this promise of a fiat “equity” results in a nasty debasement of individual drive and rights as sovereign individuals. In its place, we have a grotesque display whereby objective truth becomes a relic of the past. To declare your right to self-defense gets the hate speech treatment while a book with the title In Defense of Looting (Vicky Osterweil August 2020) gets the kid-glove treatment.

In 2020 scores of BLM followers and Antifa collectivist creeps spawned riots and looting with few charges filed against the perpetrators and/or (most) charges dropped. Meanwhile, the government goes all out to hunt for and charge the dopes who entered the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Even people that did not enter the Capitol are gaslighted and doxed into “white supremacist right-wing terrorists.” Your author personally knows an individual who was there, and to be clear, he was not in the building meaning he remained outside the confines of the structure on the grounds. Later, a friend of my buddy threatened to call the FBI to snitch on him for simply being at a rally. Whew! Also see Frederick R. Smith Speaks; Ghastly Gaslighting, September 27, 2020.

The above snitching fits the narrative. Leftist congresspersons such as AOC want to build a list of pro-Trumpies. Her defenders say such things as “AOC’s Critics Are Pretending Not to Know How Language Works.” Michael Beller, principal counsel for the tax-supported Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), said in a video that the children of supporters of President Donald Trump should be seized and placed in “re-education camps. . . We should go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children away, and we’ll put [Trump-supporters’ children] into re-education camps.” He resigned after Project Veritas exposed the video.

With the above backdrop, let us review some of the 2020 “summer of love” facts. During the “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” spanning 120 days, as a direct result, two dozen or more people perished. The rioting, arson, and looting resulted in $2 billion (approximately) in property damage. About 14,000 arrests occurred with most of the charges dropped. As seen on TV, BLM and Antifa carried revolutionary and anarchist flags (free speech!). They called for violence against the police and in several cities set up an “autonomous zone” with impunity. Using social media, thousands of people coalesced into the worst rioting in the history of the nation. In many cities, the “leaders” told police to stand down. The excuse—it was all about equity and a “letting off steam” because of the Covid-1984 lockdowns. The perfect magician’s redirection to avoid the reality of an insurrection.

In contrast, let us review January 6, 2021. About 500 buffoon Trump supporters broke into the Capitol. In Pavlov’s Dog fashion, the media mad machine and government barked “armed insurrection.” No arrests occurred due to firearms violations. To be fair, yes there is the media report about the suspect who planted a pipe bomb. The media mad machine, with laser focus, let us know five died because of the “riot.” That riot proclamation is from the same mad machine that in 2020 used the term “mostly peaceful protest” to describe the BLM and Antifa destruction. The January 6, 2021 “five” included four who died of natural causes and three of those deaths were among Trump supporters. The only violent death was also of a Trump supporter, a female and military veteran. She was lethally shot by a Capitol police officer while entering through a window. The shooter is still unidentified. In the aftermath, with the mad machine clamoring for safety, the government militarized Washington, D.C. Over 20,000 troops, massive fencing, and omnipresent barbed wire supplied security against “white supremacy.”

Today, because of the January 6 incident, incredibly, there are political prisoners in the United States. Nothing new though, just check out the stunning book Defrauding America. The latest political prisoners are the folks arrested for participation in the January 6 breach incident. We all know the other Pavlov’s Dogs words that the monster mad machine uses to describe the incident and that is their right to free speech. Nevertheless, on July 5, 2021, the Epoch Times reported that January 6 Detainees Confined 23 Hours a Day:

Dozens detained in federal prison awaiting trial following the January 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol building are being subject to solitary confinement, lack of required medical care, and restricted access to defense counsel, according to two attorneys and the father of a defendant.

Of the close to 500 arrests made so far in connection with the Jan. 6 incident, lawyers John Pierce and Steven Metcalf II, who represent several of the defendants, told EpochTV’s “The Nation Speaks” that some detainees who are being held pre-trial face solitary conferment for 23 hours a day in conditions that are “unconstitutional” and violate “every single basic human right.”

Pierce explained that these individuals are being detained by federal judges under the 1984 Bail Reform Act, which, under certain circumstances, authorizes pre-trial detention if it is believed the individuals are a threat to the community or a flight risk.

“There are about 50 plus or minus that are being detained, that have been in prison for months and will likely remain in prison for many more months until their day in court,” said Pierce.

In a stunning case of inequitable justice, the 1983 Senate reception room bombers faced more lenient treatment. One of the bombers, Elisabeth Duke, an admitted communist, was released on bail. The communist group that Duke was a member of committed 20 terrorist acts during the earlier decade (1970s). How about equal treatment under the law? This is the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four on steroids. Fast forward to the Biden Administration as detailed in this February 19, 2021, article:

The National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) called upon the Senate Judiciary Committee to ask Attorney General nominee Judge Merrick Garland [now US Attorney General] at his confirmation hearing this Monday about his role in dismissing a misconduct complaint against a magistrate judge who improperly dismissed an indictment against a co-conspirator and fugitive Elizabeth Ann Duke for the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Capitol and other federal buildings.

With the above BLM backdrop, keep in mind the China connection. BLM is a project of Liberation Road (LR). As an offshoot of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), the LR bragged about instigating the George Floyd riots. The LR community organizer Jess Sundin bragged about the torching of the Minneapolis third district police headquarters. She said, “I can’t tell you the joy it brought all of us to see the Third Precinct destroyed.” Both the LR and FRSO are Maoist, communist organizations. They openly support the Chinees Communist Party (CCP). In other words, the CCP has been directing some of the BLM/Antifa riots. In 2020, the Chinese consulate in Houston was closed as it was discovered it housed Red Chinese Army agents that were recruiting rioters. Every year 76,000 Chinese legally come to the USA. Chinee espionage expert Bil Gertz estimate there could be up to 25,000 Chinese spies in the country.

Written works like The Black Book of Communism detail the history of this collectivist monstrosity with excruciating detail. The book details the behaviors of this materialistic philosophy of which many of the tactics have relevance today and thankfully (for now?) in a less brutal manner from a macro perspective. From a micro perspective (in many big cities) there are acts of looting, burning, statue toppling, and even killings. As detailed in the Black Book, the collectivist tactics used in USSR, Eastern Europe, China, etc. are legend. However, today there are striking similarities to the Maoist revolution that occurred in China during the mid-1960s.

As documented by Fan Shen in his 2006 book Gang of One: Memoirs of a Red Guard, he details an incident from 1966 he attended as a 12-year-old while at a soccer field in China. The students burned books that did not have the required red covering. There were banners with the slogans of Mao Zedong:

The new society will be built on the ashes of the old!

Burn the feudal relics!

Burn the sentimental bourgeois culture!

Shen details his participation in the terrible time, and he found himself caught up in the mob frenzy of the time. According to him, it was about equality.

With schools shuttered (2020 closed schools), the “Party” (media) let the revolutionaries carry big signs in gatherings (protesting). During this and other rallies, the mob forced the perceived enemies (unwoke folk) to bow and kneel before the crowd (2020 taking to the knee). The mobs also forced the targeted people to mutter “confessions” (2020 admitting white guilt). The enemy found itself demonized and demoralized victims thus making illegal acts “acceptable” (2020 book In Defense of Looting). The Maoist revolutionaries also looted and damaged private and public property (2020 fiery but mostly peaceful protests). Welcome to the Maoist revolution in the USA [a.k.a. Critical Race (conspiracy) Theory].

As shown above, the vile collectivist view inculcates a victim mentality, and the programmed woke robots point their fingers at others for their failings. Let us not forget about the person mentioned earlier from Seattle who said the damage from Antifa is not their fault. Unlike true American classical liberal ideals that foster individualism and creativity, collectivism destroys free will and breeds contempt and division. America, if she continues the current path, like other nations have in the past, will see that freedom shall perish. It already has in many ways for the cogent non-woke folk despite what the luminaries tell us. And yes, for balanced writing, there are some wacko “conservative” types just like in all other “wings.” However, the narrative programming monster mad machine paints the racism broad brush against all conservatives, regardless of race, with impunity. The much less prevalent right-wing incidents face magnification and embellishment. The prominent incidents (left-wing) are, well, like crickets on the tube. And to be clear, your author deplores violence regardless of the “wing.” Nevertheless, the new (manufactured) great threat to the nation is “white supremacy terrorism.” The violence perpetrated by the collectivists gets the fiery but mostly peaceful protest treatment. The monopoly programming mad machine also bestows the collectivist perpetrators with a get out of jail card.

Concerning the creeps who get out of jail, there are reports about how George Soros helped with district attorney elections. The mad machine scoffs at reports from conservatives that highlight the commie district attorneys now in place across the nation. Do not believe Fred? Well, then how about this glowing 2018 article from none-other than the Los Angeles Times - Here’s why George Soros, liberal groups are spending big to help decide who’s your next D.A.

The United States Bill of Rights, in addition to the freedoms discussed in this essay, prescribes the right of the people to bear arms. While it is not the scope of this essay to cover this topic, it is illustrative to see the mad machine’s projection about guns as related to the collectivist war. In a stunning display of hubris in June 2021, a particular Fox News contributor said that the current increase in violence is “not an increase in crime” but an increase in “gun deaths.” Along these same lines, the most famous and progressive Congresswoman of the day (hint AOC) said the increase is just “hysteria.” Oh, MS Word suggests the word Congressperson — go pound sand.

While we are at it, let us pretend that the Second Amendment does not exist. In an experiment to see how to stem “gun violence,” sound principles would be in order. As such to see if the experiment works, choose an area of high crime rates (big city). Take (impossible) all guns from all people (including the police). Let us see how that works. If not, why not? Also of note, the mad machine tells us that police officers “murder” people but for others, the gun does the killing.

While this essay focuses on the Satan Bug (manufactured divisiveness trifecta consisting of race, sexuality, and ideologies), the following “pogroms” add to the kill America arsenal.

  • Environment. The collectivist calls for large-scale public investment in the green economy is a breathtaking spectacle. It is just another arrow in the quiver to cancel the beauty of the free market. Demands for carbon zero, nationalism of private interests, and the trashing of our energy independence are no longer a hidden secret. Specifically, the common collectivists (e.g., woke folk) urgently call for anti-capitalist protests. Meanwhile, the same programmed folk will look the other way as certain wealthy luminaries make a grotesque amount of money on green deals. Like the race card, the filthy rich leftists blow the dog whistle “environment” to hide their bennies of money and power garnered by the fake cleaning of the environment. Hidden is the inevitable damage that will occur in the future because of this environmental madness. Let us be honest, the (truly) free market has a success rate in comparison to the dismal failure of government programs and/or intervention. Such things as truly clean coal (converting the emissions to products such as gypsum) go to the wayside. The notion of renewable energy is a fantasy there is no such thing as a free lunch. It is all green on the outside and red on the inside.

  • Immigration. The mad machine believed Trump was a xenophobic monster for trying to stem the flow of Covid at the beginning of the plandemc by implementing a travel ban between China and the USA. In 2021, the new Administration employed the Caustic Cancel Culture Pogrom (CP) by dropping border protections. Customs and Border Protection agents report that the tsunami of illegal aliens exceeds more than 3,500/day. Canceling the border wall construction endangers citizens and disses American workers. In 2006, Republicans and Democrats (including then Senators Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Joe Biden) all voted for a physical border barrier. Inconvenient facts, just like the lack of concern for Covid among the “immigrants” (former refugees, née undocumented visitors, née illegal aliens). This seamless “logic” by the narrative is a continuum. Let us face it, we are under siege of newly minted Democratic voters (no voter ID). Now we know why the sensible thing, voter ID, is a dead letter. The mad machine calls it “voter suppression.” So where do some of these “immigrants” end up? Check out the news about Endeavors: Texas nonprofit got massive border contract after hiring Biden official.

Environmental extremism is so intense that it can overlook human needs. For example, Nigeria, a US ally, is fighting 11 years of terrorism and is in the first stages of civil war. Astonishingly, our State Department places climate change above these concerns. See Epoch Times July 4, 2021 — Former State Department Official: As Violence Pulls Nigeria Apart, US Focuses on Climate Change. Look to the future where we will suffer due to the inability of the commie New Green Deal to keep up with energy demands. Be prepared to deal with cold and hot temperatures along with intermittent electric power.

The July 2021 space flights of Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson show us the height of hypocrisy. All the fuel burned to kick these luminaries and their riders up to the edge of space should set off the climate change alarms, but crickets. Ah ha, we must remember that these rich folks give a lot of money to the climate change mad machine. We do not want to gum up those works. More putrid projection.

It is fitting to close this Part with an overview of Cloward-Piven. Columbia University sociology professors Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were a married pair. As radical socialists, they had a profound impact on American society. Cloward passed in 2001 and now 88-year-old Piven still teaches at City University of New York. The June 2020 issue of Jacobin Magazine featured an article about Piven. There, she encouraged the violent protesters to “defend their ability to exercise disruptive power.” Your author often wonders: do Piven and her fellow travelers say these things from the heart or are they doing it as a form of protection from the mobocracy’s attacks? Also see Frederick R. Smith The Jolly Jacobin, January 24, 2021.

Cloward-Piven were key founders of extreme left-wing organizations such as the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWR), and the Democratic Socialists of America (an arm of the commie Socialist International). The NWR spawned the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

For the final data burst for this part, your author recommends reading about the following characters who helped to usher in the post-modern mess of today (Frederick R. Smith post exclusives).

Stay tuned. Part Six, Military Madness and Conclusion, is a sad and scary exposé. 


Cogent Author and publisherFrederick R. Smith
Cogent Editor, Sean Tinney

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